✯𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞✯

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Sitting at the booth beside the large window of the small, empty diner, Izzy watched the raindrops crash into the glass as he waited on his date to arrive.

"Good evening," the waitress said as she approached the table, taking him out of his trance, "are you ready to order?"
"Oh, I'm waiting on someone." he explained.
"Okay, do you want something to drink while you wait?" she asked.
"Water's fine." he replied.
"Give me a coke." Samara said to her, walking up to the table before sitting down.
"Perfect timing." the woman said. "Do you two need a few minutes to decide?" she asked.
"Yes, please."

The pair ordered their food and continued talking while they waited.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know it was going to storm. I didn't mean for you to have to walk in the rain." Izzy said.
"Oh, it's okay. I kinda like it." Samara reassured him with a smile.
"Yeah, me too... I always thought I was weird for liking the rain while everybody seems to hate it."
"Not at all." she replied. "Something about it... it's just so calming. You know, when I was little, my grandma would take me outside every time it rained and I would run around playing in the puddles. By the end of it I'd be soaking; she'd bring me inside when I was done playing, get me cleaned up, wrap me in a blanket, and read me a story while I dozed off in her arms. So now whenever it rains, I think about her, and I like to think she's still with me in the rain, by my side, and proud of the person I've grown into. It's comforting in that way."
"I'm sure she's incredibly proud of you: you're an amazing, beautiful person." he smiled.
"Well, thank you. I appreciate that." she said, smiling back. "And I'm sure she'd love you as well."
"Aww... she seems like she was very sweet; I bet I'd love her too." he laughed.


After the two of them finished eating, they went back to Izzy's place. Samara followed behind Izzy as she got out of her car before following him up to his door. When Izzy opened the door, his heart sank as he saw Mikayla sitting on the couch.
"Oh, look who finally came home." she said as he walked in the house.
"Why are you here?" He asked in response as Samara followed him inside and closed the door behind her.
"I see you've already found someone new." Mikayla said, dismissing Izzy's question. "Doesn't take much to impress you, I see." she said, looking Samara up and down.
Taken aback, Samara raised a brow, "Apparently not, considering he was with you at one point." she snapped back.
Mikayla scoffed at the comment.
"Okay, get the fuck out." Izzy said as he opened to door, signaling for his ex to leave.
"Hey, what's you're problem dude? Why're you so rude?" she responded.
"You're my problem, Mikayla. I'm not trying to be rude, you're just fucking crazy."
"Wow okay... leave while you can, honey." she told Samara.
"Why are you here? And how did you even get in?" he asked.
"I have a key. And I wanted to stop by to see how you were doing. Maybe talk and see what went wrong." Mikayla replied. "But I see that's not an option at the moment. So I'll come back after you throw this one out." she said, hinting towards Samara.
"Can you go now?" he asked.
"Don't worry. I'll leave you two alone." she said, walking out the door.

After Mikayla left, Samara sat down on the couch.
"I need a drink." Izzy said before walking into the kitchen. "You want something?" he yelled from the kitchen as he grabbed a glass from the cabinet.
"Sure, surprise me." Samara yelled back.

A couple minutes later, he came back with two drinks in hand, a glass of red wine in one, and a bottle of Jack Daniels in the other.
"I assume the wine's for me?" she asked as he sat down beside her.
"Um... actually it's for me, but I have plenty if you want some." Izzy replied nervously.
"No, it's okay." Samara laughed. "I actually prefer Jack." she smiled, taking the bottle from his hand.
"Yeah, I guess a man drinking wine and a woman drinking Jack Daniels isn't really a typical situation, huh?"
Samara laughed a little, shaking her head. "I like it though. It's good to be different."
Izzy smiled and nodded.

"I'm sorry about Mikayla. I don't know what her deal is." he said, taking a sip from his glass before reaching for the remote and turning on the television.
"It's fine." Samara replied, leaning back onto the couch.
After about 10 minutes of watching tv, Izzy noticed Samara wasn't her usual self. She was unusually quiet and she seemed as though something was bothering her as she stared blankly in thought.
"Is everything okay?" Izzy asked, breaking her from her trance as she turned her attention to him. "You seem like something's on your mind."
"Oh, yeah I'm okay." she replied, trying to brush it off. But Izzy knew better.
"I don't think you are." he replied. "Talk to me, what's wrong? Was it what Mikayla said? Don't listen to her, you know she's insane."
"No, it's not that. She didn't bother me." she replied. "It's just the arguing and yelling... See, I was in a really abusive relationship and now stuff like that just upsets me." she explained.
"Oh shit, I'm sorry you went through that. And I'm sorry about the yelling, I didn't think about how you might've taken it." Izzy apologized.
"Don't be sorry. It's not your fault, you didn't know. It's okay, don't worry about it." she said. "It can just freak me out sometimes, but I'm safe so everything's okay."
"I understand. You don't need to worry, you're safe with me." Izzy said as he patted her shoulder.
Samara smiled and took a drink from her bottle.

After watching some more tv for a while, the show went to commercials and Izzy grabbed his pack of cigarettes off the coffee table. He held out a cigarette, offering it to Samara; she took it and grabbed the lighter which was still on the table and lit both her's and Izzy's.
"So, what even happened with Mikayla?" she asked him.
"Fuck I wish I knew. Overall, she was just crazy. I mean how many times can I say it, this woman is out of it. She was always gaslighting me, flirting with other guys, telling me I'm a lazy piece of shit and that I'm not good enough. She expected me to do every little thing for her, and if I didn't, I was 'selfish and lazy'." he explained.
"Damn, sorry man. Hey, if it makes you feel any better, from the short time I've known you, you don't seem like that type at all. I think you're an amazing guy." Samara reassured him.
"Thank you. I'm past the relationship part, I just wish she'd quit calling and showing up at my house."
"Hopefully she'll leave you alone eventually."
"Hopefully." he agreed.


After watching tv the rest of the night, Samara leaned over and fell asleep with her head in Izzy's lap as he ran his fingers through her curly black hair while he dozed off.

𝑰 𝑼𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝑻𝒐 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝑯𝒆𝒓 ✯ an Izzy Stradlin fanfic Where stories live. Discover now