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"MY BABY BOY!!" Beejay wrapped his tires around him.

"I'm so sorry... I just wanted to protect you..."

"I know, but as a father, it's also MY job to protect YOU," Beejay hissed. "I can't lose you again, Crusher. Not again, please,"

"I promise, never again. Will... will you all help me come up with a way to defeat her?"

"Of course," Beejay grinned before frowning. "Did she hurt you?"

"No, but she came close."

"THAT BASTARD!" Beejay snarled, ready to tear anything apart.

"Is there anything we could do to stop her?" Pickle asked.

"Combine and unlock Crusher's magic," Xander spoke.

"I'm ready, Papa. Do what you have to."

Xander nodded and took out a knife. He gently scraped it against Crusher's skin, causing it to bleed.

"Now, I just need to repeat the same process I did for Blaze and AJ's spell."

He twirled his tires around, magic coming out and swirling towards Crusher.

"Papa? If I can't control myself, keep Blaze and the others safe." Crusher said.

"Alright," Xander nodded. "Beejay?"

Beejay nodded and made the others stand behind him. The fillies and foals stood behind in fear as well, unsure what was about to happen.

Xander allowed the magic to enter Crusher's injury, causing a sizzle of pain.

"Come on... gotta keep it together..." Crusher hissed, closing his eyes to take in the pain.

His whole body turned black while his lightning marks went red. His eyes started to go full red and black as his wings came out, sharp and demonic before he released an inhuman roar.

"Holy cow!!" Darington shrieked.

"I think we should give Crusher a LOT more space!" Pickle said, yanking the group back into the next room.

Crusher snarled and released another roar, blocking the ground from escaping with a forcefield.

"Make it stop! MAKE IT STOP!!" Starcatcher screamed.

Crusher released roar so loud that it made the windows shake and crack.The foals and fillies began crying in fear, but Starcatcher was wailing the loudest. Pickle and Blaze held her, as did the other trucks for the other foals and fillies to calm them.

"Crusher is getting out of control! What do we do?!" Stripes cried.

"We can't break the spell or we'll damage him." Beejay hissed. "We have to bare it a little while longer,"

"We have to calm the little guys! Especially Starcatcher-- this is probably bringing back horrible nightmares for her!" Stripes cried.

"Shh, shh, it's okay," Blaze hugged Starcatcher.

"That's the same roar M-M-Mika did before she... she... SHE KILLED MY MAMA!!!"

"Shh, it's okay, Starcatcher," Blaze petted her to calm her down. "Crusher wouldn't do anything like that. Not on purpose, anyway,"

"Blaze, maybe it's not a good idea to keep the foals near Crusher while he's like this," AJ said.

"Not like we can leave..." Darington motioned to the forcefield blocking the door.

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