Chapter 8; Rest

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I wake up slowly, blinking constantly to get used to the moderate lighting. My back aches from the stone underneath. I weakly sit up, arm on my back as mild pain envelopes my body. I notice a lack of upper garments as I feel my bare skin with my fingers. I grow used to my surroundings, gazing around I see people moving about in rugged yet simplistic clothes.

My face is covered by cloth suddenly, me pulling it down in fear. My eyes dart to Rhine, who stands calmly with his arm retreating from a throwing motion, "you're awake, good. Stitched it for you." He states, waltzing up. My gaze follows him as he moves, sliding the robe on as fast as possible. "I found your wounds had already mended themselves, with just the skin needing to grow back. Your wounds seemed to be dire, but miraculously, you're doing well. From what I can tell, you're recovering very quickly. But all accounts you should have screeched when you sat up, also you should have lost the ability to move your legs for a while, somehow they didn't dislocate from what I observed, I was going to cut you open to see your insides but... realized it was a bad idea, especially with this room to do it in, and this dagger..." He raises the basic dagger, his gaze full of disappointment.

"You always said you were some sort of doctor, what kind exactly..?" I inquire, somewhat nervous, my gaze on him.

"I consider myself somewhat of a mixture... I can do many different things, now, eat up." He gestures to a bowl on my right. I take it in hand, scooping the powdery mixture into my mouth. I taste nothing as it dissolves. I swallow as a vile taste forces me to gag reflexively.

"It will nullify any physical pain, but also makes you drowsy. Get up, I know you can. They're all excited to see you, though Matilda is sulkier than usual, and Rose was horrified, her heart raced so fast I had to give her a separate mixture. Francis was cheering for you, without making any noises and not even looking." Rhine smirks as I start to stand, my joints stiff. I feel pressure appear on my back, resulting in a cracking noise, then seeing Rhine's hands on my arms as he strikes multiple pressure points with his nimble fingers.

I find myself much more nimble than when I woke, standing I glance over at him in confusion, though decided not to inquire. He leads me away to the living quarters.

I let out a long yawn as I'm led through. Furious whispers echo behind us, I take a look back, finding no source, except a few holes in the upper portions of the corridor. A slack slave walks over to it as we pass by, looking around and stopping at one of the holes. The intensity of the whispers ceases, the person calling out to us, wanting me to come to it. I make my drowsy way over, Rhine tailing behind.

"Yes! Finally!" A similar voice cheers as we get to the location. "Wait... Luca..? Is that really you? I thought it looked like you with the same robe and hair, but it looks so much messier."

I tilt my head in curiosity, responding, "Yes, it's me, wait, Simon..? What are you doing here?" I inquire, my voice raising before a moment, I lower it afterword, "what are you doing here? You should be somewhere else, further away, safe!"

Simon pauses before responding, "I know, but instead I decided to try to track you down so I can break you and Ronaldo out! Of course, I didn't even know if I was going to be able to, or what you were being taken to! But now I have a chance to take revenge since they raided out town!" Simon proclaims with determination, "also who's that guy next to you?"

"This is Rhine, he came here with me. He's..." I circle my hand around, thinking.

"A doctor of sorts." He chimes in, a calm smile on his face, "a pleasure, Simon. I'd like you to know that multiple people here are safe, do you have anyone else that came with you?"

"Uh... yes actually, one of the monks and some other people we escaped with decided to join and see if they can get their families back. How is everyone holding up?"

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