First and Last..

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Disclaimer: English is not my main language nor second, so I apologize for the wrong grammars and errors.  I not a good writer as well, (I am just putting my ideas into words so don't hate). 

First and Last.

Gojo Satoru is one of the strongest soldiers ever born in their era, but it was not that make him popular, it's his hair that resembled the whiteness of snow, his eyes that sent shivers to his enemies.

"It's the same as the skies"

"It encompasses the cold of the night"

"No, it was the color of the ice when hits by sunlight"

No one was able to pinpoint what shade of blue it is nor explain what it looks like,when you look at it you will know it . He was handsome, no the term might be an understatement on how beautiful he is.

Gojo Satoru might resemble a sculpture that was sculpted with perfections, he might be a God hiding in a human body, or maybe an angel fallen from the sky. Yet, It wasn't enough to raise his status as a mere soldier. Gojo might have a beauty comparable to a finiest gem, but it doesn't make him a noble. He is still a commoner in the eyes of many, a soldier ready to be deployed into wars, someone who just has a pretty face as an asset.

If ever he heard someone talk about him, it was not about his appearance nor his another victory in his conquest, it was about pity that he has a beautiful face but was just useless, given that his status is still a commoner, a disposable soldier and a mere puppet by the nobles.

"Gojo-san,.... Gojo-san!... Gojo-san!!" Gojo flutters his eyes open, a gemstone like orbs glow in the middle of the afternoon, he looks at the boy in front of him, and he can say the other was now fuming, maybe puffing his cheeks which will then be filled with red.

"What is it Yuuji-kun~?" he asks in a sing-song, purposely lowering his voice to tease the other more. Oh how he likes the red tint creeping in the ear of the other.

"You said you were going to listen! You weren't!" accused the boy named Yuuji, plopping down with grace into the soft cushion, his flute in his lap while he stared at Gojo.

"Sorry, Yuuji-kun, I got distracted by my thoughts" Yuuji slumped his back, an impolite behavior of his that Satoru has the privilege to witness.

"But! I was listening to the 1st and 4rth.." the way Yuuji straightened his back and leaned forward, Gojo knew it made the boy's spirit come back, he chuckled inside at how adorable the boy is.

"So how is it?" Yuuji asks, excited and somewhat anxious, he has been practicing for fifteen days now and the next day he will perform it to his instructor.

" Beautiful of course! Everything Yuuji-kun does is amazing and perfect"


"Hmm! The way you hold the flute between your fingertips and how you sway together with the music is indeed amazing" Gojo, gave a small smile seeing the boy vibrate in his place, and he knew the other was smiling widely too.

"You weren't lying right?" ask Yuuji minutes after, suspicious about Gojo's statement.

"Of course not! Did I ever lie to you?" a frown appeared on the handsome face of Gojo when Yuuji didn't reply immediately.

"Yeah You did, when you serve me my food especially the desserts you always took a piece of two--"

"Incredulous Yuuji-kun!! That wasn't true! How could you blame this servant of yours!" Gojo put his left hand at his forehead feigning to be hurt by the accusations of his master, it was worth it though as he heard a soft mellow laugh from the boy across to him. It made him pleased, he doesn't care if he look stupid doing nonsense things if his reward will be the cute giggles and laughter of Yuuji.

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