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Getting cold and flu during summer is rare and unfortunately for Yuuji, he caught it. But then, it wasn't his problem, the weather changed and decided to shower him with rain. (he did, he gave his umbrella to his classmate). Anyway, Yuuji sneezed, a loud one at that. Hands itching his nose as it was itchy, a thermometer in his mouth.

His eyes snap open when he hears it beep, then look at the person who took it, eyes filled with questions.

"39.6, A fever, just rest here and drink the medicine after you wake up" Yuuji hum in affirmation.

"Thanks Ieiri senpai '' the girl nodded, and got back to her class, the time was up for her shift. More likely she was assigned to be a student doctor.

''Cold' that was what Yuuji taught, when he woke up, eyes were a little blurred.

"Akemi?" he whispered-ask, voice horse.

"Ah! Itadori-kun! Did I wake you up?" Itadori fully opened his eyes, trying to lean on the wall but wasn't able to, his body was aching and weak.

"Not really" the girl nodded, somehow worried about her classmates.

"I have brought some fruits for you, it is actually from my mom, thank you so much I was able to fetch her at the airport" Itadori gave a tired smile. He knew that the girl was very excited for the arrival of her mom and the rain yesterday was unexpected, not wanting to disappoint nor ruin her mood he let her borrow his. Itadori was glad to see the other's smile.

"I'm sorry again Itadori-kun, and rest well" Yuuji watched the girl, put the umbrella on the bedside table, together with some fresh fruits and candies. Before the other exit, she placed a new wet towel on his forehead first and the two didn't notice that someone had seen the intimate action from the person's point of view.

"And here I thought the potato is sick" Itadori did not dare to look at the person, that cocky, mocking voice of the person and the nickname given to him was none other than his senpai. Gojo Satoru. The lack of response made the white haired man annoyed.

"I didn't know that the Itadori Yuuji would fake a sickness just to catch his crush's attention, so? Did you smooch mooch?" Itadori, internally groaning he wanted peace, yet his senpai's voice as well as his head pounding at the moment is making him irked. It didn't help at all that the older man didn't stop talking, creating a buzz in his hearing.

" So did you get first base? Potadori the girl just left, stop faking it now, it was not very good, mind you, the girl probably a slut baiting on your sickness.. " that was the last draw for Yuuji to explode, his head is killing him. He just wants to rest and sleep!

"Shut up! Senpai! I want to rest! You can annoy me everyday but have some respect when people are sick! Just get out of my face and if you hate me say it! No need to drag other people!.." Itadori lashes out, hands gripping at the sheets as he pursues his eyes shot when he feels his head has been hit by a baseball bat.

" I-I'm tired... Can you leave me alone.. Please? " he managed to add, exhaustion covered his voice. He can feel his muscles turning into noodles. Want.. To.. Rest...

Gojo was shocked, terrified even at the words his kohai gave him..

"Y-Yuuji..." he tried calling out, eyes darting out some tears. He tried poking the younger but didn't receive a response, he panicked at first but hearing some soft snores he relaxed a bit, though he can't lift the heavy burden now resting in his chest..

"Have I gone too far?" he asked himself. He didn't mean to annoy or get mad at Yuuji, he was just jealous at the moment when he thought the girl was kissing Itadori, when in fact she was helping him drink the medicine. Gojo, bit his lips, hands brushing the tears that escaped his mouth. Pathetic. He used to girls begging and crying for his attention but when it came to itadori it was he who was demanding for little attention.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2021 ⏰

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