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"I'll talk to Roan. If we give him back the Flame, I can convince him to show mercy" Octavia suggests trying not to get Indra's daughter killed. "Azgeda knows no mercy. Give me the Flame, Gaia" Indra demands as she puts out her hand to get the flame from her daughter.

Nova looks at Gaia then moves her eyes towards her neck. Nova motions towards her neck and looks to Indra. "It's around her neck" Nova announces and Indra scoffs. "That's nothing, a Totem she's worn since she joined the faith. You are interfering in matters you do not understand" Indra explains and Gaia steps forward.

"Wrong. I'm a Flamekeeper. I'm honoring my faith, a faith you once believed in" Gaia argues and Indra steps to her daughter in anger, "Don't you question my devotion" Indra demands. Nova can't believe her eyes. The way Gaia and Indra talk to each other is crazy and Nova can't believe Indra had a daughter to begin with. "A devoted follower would die before giving the Flame to an unworthy King, an Azgeda King. You pervert our faith. Heda would be ashamed" Gaia argues and Indra looks her daughter up and down.

"I'm doing what's best for Trikru. You would understand that if you stayed and done your duty" Indra states and Gaia chuckles humorlessly. "You know, I've always heard 'My daughter was not meant to wander the Earth looking for Nightbloods. My daughter was meant to lead armies. My daughter was meant to lead our people'" Gaia explains and looks over to Octavia.

"Looks like you found that daughter now" Gaia states then turns her head to Nova, "Possibly two" Gaia says looking Nova up and down with a deadly look in her eyes. "Okay, Roan sent us here to kill you. If neither of us don't come back with the Flame, he will send others" Nova explains and Gaia shrugs her shoulders.

"If the spirit of the Commanders deems it my time, then so be it" Gaia says carelessly and Nova sighs looking to Indra. "What do I do here? Roan will die without this flame and we have to fight to keep him on that throne" Nova says looking to Indra for guidance.

"I can run" Gaia suggests and Indra shakes her head quickly, "He'll find you. Don't throw your life away" Indra states and Gaia scoffs out of anger. "That's what you said the day I left. You still don't understand" Gaia mumbles looking to her mother before someone slams against the door of the flamekeeper room. "The looters" Indra says pulling out her sword.

"If they find the flame, they will destroy it" Octavia states as the looters shout from outside. "I'll take the tunnel" Gaia states but Octavia stops her and gathers the rest of them in a circle to create a plan... a good one.

The Looters finally break in and Ilian is leading the charge. "Drop your weapons" llian demands and Gaia swallows a lump down her throat. "You're making a mistake" Gaia pleads and llian sighs, "We just want the tech. No one has to get hurt" llian explains and the 4 girls look to each other before they drop their weapons making the Looters bend down and grab them and then restrain them.

"Uh! No!" Gaia shouts as she is put to the ground on her knees. "I got it!" Nova shouts as she bends down on the ground on her knees by herself. llian snatches Gaia's backpack off of her, "No. No. Let go. Give that back. Don't. Uh..." Gaia begs as Ilian pulls out the Flame from Gaia's backpack.

"Please. That's not tech. That's the spirit of the Commanders" Gaia begs as she shakes her head in disbelief. "Please. Ilian, you don't have to do this" Octavia states and llian nods his head, "Yes I do.. for my mother!" llian shouts just before he smashes the flame before Gaia and the rest of them.

Gaia let's out a scream as she watches the madness happen. The other looters behind him begin to cheer as the flame is gone. The looters and llian march out of the room cheering. Nova, Indra, Octavia and Gaia stand up slowly as they leave the room.

"They're gone. Ohh...sorry about your necklace." Octavia apologizes as she stands in front of Gaia. Nova walks over and pulls out the real flame that was safe in her pocket and hands it over to Gaia. "That was a good plan. Thank you" Gaia says looking to Octavia and Nova.

"You got what you wanted." Indra states sternly while looking at her daughter. Her daughter lifts her head high and puts her hood on her head. "So did you" Gaia responds before she leaves through the tunnels and Indra, Nova and Octavia leave through the front door with their weapons in hand.

"Indra.. I didn't know you had a daughter" Nova says respectfully. Indra fixes her sleeve and clears her throat. "Family or not... Roan will still want her head" Indra explains.

"Not if he doesn't think it was her" Octavia states and Nova slowly turns her head to Octavia and sends her a mischievous smirk.


Octavia and Nova enter the Throne Room with a surprise for Roan. Roan excuses the people he was talking to and quickly looks to the two girls standing before him. Once the door is shut and it is clear the guards left Octavia sets a severed head at Roan's feet.

"He was one of the Looters. You were wrong about the Flamekeeper" Nova lies as she looks at Roan who tilts his head questionably. "And the Flame?" He asks. "Destroyed before I could kill him. I'm sorry" Octavia says placing the crushed up flame in his hands slowly.

Roan throws the pieces of the fake Flame into the fire. "It'll be more dangerous now. More people will have to die to keep me in power, not that that bothers you, Skairipa and Thanatos" Roan says sending them each nods. "People fell in line behind the Flame. Now they'll fall in line behind the sword" Octavia states.

"And the fire" Nova says as she lets out a sigh. "Let's hope Clarke finds a way to save us before they have to. Get out." Roan says and Nova can't help but think if Clarke is okay and if she has found a way to save us yet. Nova and Octavia turn around on there heels and exit the throne room together looking to each other nothing knowing they lied straight to Roan's face.

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