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You hurried down the sidewalk, careful not to slip on the now wet concrete as you made your way back to Tokyo Jujutsu High. That was just your luck. Not taking your umbrella had been a big mistake. But there was nothing you could do about it now.

What started out as a little sprinkle of rain quickly turned into a downpour and you were now caught up in it with no protection. Your body was completely soaked through with water, uniform and all. But the worst you had to deal with was the cold. You were starting to shiver the longer you were outside and your attempts at warming yourself up with your hands were proving useless.

Avoiding more puddles that were forming in your path, you continued your miserable trip down the sidewalk, quickening your pace just a bit. Once you got back to your dorm, you were definitely going to take a long hot shower.

Your stomach let out a growl as you approached the edge of the street, standing before the moving traffic as you waited for the pedestrian light to change. In one of your hands, you carried a plastic bag with food from the convenience store, the whole reason behind your trip. Despite being soaked, you were glad you were not returning empty-handed, especially when you were this hungry.

As soon as the pedestrian light signaled that you could cross safely, your feet stepped off of the sidewalk and you made your way towards the other side.

"[First Name]!"

A familiar voice stopped you in your tracks. Your eyes scanned your surroundings to see where it was coming from when you turned back around and saw a raven-haired boy walk out from a group of people and make his way towards you.


He met you halfway, placing the umbrella he was holding over your head, shielding you from the heavy rain. His dark blue eyes took in your appearance, showing worry.

"[First Name], you're soaked..." Megumi frowned, moving to the other side of the street with you before the light changed again.

A small laugh escaped your lips. "Sorry, I know I should have listened to you." Then maybe you would not be freezing and wet right now.

He shook his head. "No need to apologize. Just stick close to me," he said, pulling you towards him more so you would not get any more water on you.

"Thanks for coming to my rescue," you smiled, intertwining your free hand with his while you held onto the plastic bag with the other.

He returned the smile, holding tightly onto your hand as the two of you continued your trip back to the school under your shared umbrella.


It was not until you were back in your dorm room at Tokyo Jujutsu High, now showered and in comfortable pajamas that you finally felt better from being out in the rain.

You were currently eating a cup of instant noodles that you had bought from your trip to the convenience store while your boyfriend lay beside you on your bed resting from a mission he had earlier that day. And because of that, few words were exchanged between the two of you.

Megumi's white shirt was lifted up slightly, showing off his toned chest underneath, causing you to blush a little as you could not help but stare. Luckily his eyes were closed but you decided it was best to avert your own before he opened them and caught you looking. That would be embarrassing.

Eating as quietly as possible, you slurped up some more noodles, happy to have some food in your stomach and enjoying something warm after being outside in the cold.

"You could have waited for me, you know," Megumi complained, breaking the silence as he turned over on his side to face you.

"I know but I was starving and you were on your mission. And besides, you were exhausted and yet you still came to get me," you responded, feeling a bit guilty even though you did not ask him to.

"Well, I just couldn't let you walk in the freezing rain like that." He sat up and put a hand on your forehead, most likely checking for any signs of sickness. You felt fine though but it was nice to see that he cared enough to worry the way he did even when it was not necessary.

"Megumi, you're acting like my mom," you joked, setting your now finished cup of noodles onto the side table. "I'm perfectly fine."

He gave you an annoyed look, clearly not finding your joke very funny. "Well, since you seem okay then there's really no need for me to be here, right?" he said, moving towards the edge of the bed to leave.

"Aw, come on, I was only joking." You followed him to the edge of the mattress, wrapping your arms around him from behind in order to keep him there. "I actually really appreciate you worrying so much so please stay."

Letting out a sigh, he broke out of your hold and turned back around to face you, taking a loose strand of your damp hair and placing it behind your ear. "Fine, I'll stay."

"Good, I thought—"

"Shush, no more talking." He pressed a finger to your lips to quiet you before pushing you down onto the bed, pinning your arms at your sides.

"Huh? Megumi, what are you—"

He quickly shut you up with a kiss on your lips, causing your face to turn bright red at the unexpected action. But regardless of the embarrassment you felt, you kissed him back just as hard. You wrapped your fingers in his spiky raven locks as your lips continued to make contact with his.

You felt your shirt being pulled up a bit, just enough to reveal your abdomen before he moved his mouth down to it. He then began trailing multiple kisses across it, earning a small gasp of surprise from you. You were not cold but your body could not help but involuntarily shiver at his touch.

This was not like his usual self. He was getting bolder lately. And well, you did not mind it at all.

If you felt any cold before, you definitely did not feel it anymore now.

Thanks for reading!


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