Birthday Boy

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Your fingers guided the needle through the white cloth repeatedly, careful not to stray too far from the lines you marked. Absolute perfection was necessary, especially with a pattern as delicate as this. And despite its complexity, you were determined to see it through to the end. It was for a very special person in your life, after all.

Even with the caution you showed, you still managed to prick yourself so many times. The multiple bandages that covered your fingers were proof of your mistakes. And once again, without fail, you felt the tip of the needle poke into your skin. This time it was in your index finger, causing you to halt your work for a moment. It was only a slight pain. But it was more of an annoyance than anything.

Ignoring your discomfort, you resumed moving the needle in and out of the shirt cloth you were using. It was not just any random shirt though. You could have gone out and bought a new one to use. But where was the meaning in that? Using one of yours would be much more romantic.

A sudden knock at your door startled you, interrupting your sewing yet again. Panicking, you quickly moved the cloth and your supplies underneath the blanket on the bed where you were working, only answering once everything was out of sight.

"Come in."

You were happy to see the face of the raven-haired boy who stepped inside. Your boyfriend was always a lovely sight for your eyes. But right now was one of those rare times that you did not want to see him. Keeping your little sewing project a secret from him was going to be difficult if he stayed in here for too long.

"[First Name], Gojo sensei is looking for you," he stated, stopping in front of you at the edge of the bed where you sat.

"Ah, okay. I'll be right over."

"Hm? What's this?" he questioned, immediately causing panic to surge through you once more. Had you not hidden everything? Your eyes trailed down towards the bed where his own eyes were looking, wondering what he could be talking about. But there was nothing there that could raise suspicion, at least that is what you thought.

Crouching down, he gently lifted up your left hand from where it had been laying at your side, bringing it up to his face for closer inspection. "You're bleeding," he pointed out.

"I am?" You had not realized and much to your surprise he slipped your index finger in between his lips, brushing it against his tongue in order to clean off the blood that was left from where you had pricked your finger earlier. A blush crept up your cheeks at the sensation and stayed there long after he removed it from his mouth.

"Do you have any bandages or something?" he asked, looking up at you with those beautiful dark blue eyes of his.

"Y-yeah," was all you managed to stammer out as you carefully felt around underneath the blanket with your free hand where you had hidden all of your things until you found the small box that contained said item. You handed it to him and watched as he took out a bandage and wrapped your finger in it.

"It's not too tight, is it?"

"Nope, thank you," you smiled at him, relieved that he had not asked what it was that you were doing to receive that small injury. That could end up ruining his surprise. But did he really have to do that? You could have just washed the blood off.

And just when you thought you were in the clear, he asked the question that you had hoped to avoid since his arrival. "What were you sewing? You've got so many other bandages on your fingers."

You began fidgeting with a strand of your hair, twirling it around your finger. "Oh, I was just trying to fix an old shirt of mine. It had a hole in it," you lied. Could you be any more obvious?

That smile on your face was turning more nervous by the second. You needed to leave before he asked any more questions. Knowing him and his deductive skills, he would probably end up figuring out that you were lying soon enough.

"Well, I should probably get going now. See ya later, Megumi," you told him, quickly getting off of the bed and walking out the door before he could say another word. With a quick wave, you rushed off to go see what your teacher wanted. And hopefully, that would be his last visit to your dorm room for the rest of the day.


Rubbing at your eyes with your free hand, you attempted to get rid of the sleepiness that plagued you from your lack of rest last night. With your gifts in your other hand, you knocked on the door, waiting for Megumi to answer it. After your first two knocks, the door pulled open to reveal a sleepy raven-haired boy.

Upon seeing your face, his expression relaxed, seeing that it was you who had woken him up. "Happy birthday, Megumi." You gave him a bright smile to match the sunrise behind you, still being pretty early in the morning.

He smiled back and answered, "Thank you," letting you inside his room before closing the door behind you both. While you were all ready for the day, he still wore his pajamas. You felt a bit guilty for waking him, but you wanted to be the first to wish him a happy birthday and to give him his gifts of course.

You held out the items you were carrying to him, motioning for him to take them from you, which he did. "[First Name], you didn't have to get me anything," he started but couldn't help but crack a smile from how thoughtful you had been, "Thank you."

He looked over your handiwork, taking note of all the little details on the white plush from its yellow eyes to the red symbol on top of its head. So, this explained all the bandages on your fingers. It was a near-perfect miniature version of his destroyed shikigami dog. He could tell you had taken extra care and time to make this, and he would treasure it just as he treasured you.

The bouquet of red roses smelled wonderful, giving off a lovely fragrance. He had never been given flowers before, so this was a first for him, but he welcomed it. You had to have gone to the store earlier this morning, judging from how fresh they were.

His eyes moved over to your face, noticing the dark circles under your eyes. "[First Name], did you get any sleep last night?" he questioned, a bit concerned for your wellbeing.

"Um, well no," you laughed, not really bothered by his question. You would just wait to sleep at the end of the day even if it killed you. This was his special day, and you weren't about to ruin it with your human needs as important as sleep was.

Megumi frowned at this. He set his plush and flowers down on his side table before sitting down on his bed and patting the side of his mattress, gesturing for you to lie down.

Your immediate reaction was to turn red at this. Sleeping in his dorm room hadn't been a part of your plans today and while you weren't against it, you were a bit reluctant to accept his offer. You walked forward hesitantly towards the side of his bed, pondering on the situation when you felt your arm being tugged inwards.

"You need to rest," he insisted. Your body now lay against Megumi's chest as you both sat on his bed with his back to the headboard. He was not taking no for an answer it seemed and you were okay with that. Giving in, you sighed, letting him hold you as you felt your eyes begin to shut, exhausted from all the nights of sewing you had done.

He watched silently as you drifted off to dreamland in his arms, stroking your hair, lulling you to sleep. Once you had fallen asleep, he too readied himself for sleep once again, pulling the covers over the two of you, content with the start to his birthday.

A/N: Happy birthday to best boy!


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2022 ⏰

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