Sweater Weather

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You felt your boyfriend's hand lightly brush against yours as you walked side by side on the sidewalk. He was too shy to ask you to hold his hand outright so this was his way of asking you without having to say a word. When it came to anything in the romance department, he was more indirect with showing his affections. And it wasn't as if that part of him was a deal-breaker for you. He just loved you in a different way.

And of course, there was no way you were going to refuse him so you took hold of his hand, giving it a light squeeze. He remained silent, barely glancing in your direction, only squeezing your hand back in response. Your ice-cold hand would soon gain warmth again in his as you settled for an intertwined grasp.

His company alone was more than enough. It brought you comfort to have him by your side even when no words were being exchanged. You felt safe and at ease knowing he was here with you.

You were surprised that he had decided to join you on your little shopping trip. It was not like him to want to spend his free day like this. Knowing him, he would have preferred to have spent it back at his dorm, and yet here he was with you.

Your plan had been to visit a few stores here and there, nothing too crazy. You just needed some new clothes. He had been patient throughout the entire trip, waiting for you to try on whatever it was that interested you. And you never once felt rushed even though you knew he was waiting on you.

You had teased him a bit, asking him to try a few things on for you, only for him to reject your request over and over as you had expected. It was still worth a try though. You saw him in his school uniform more than anything and you enjoyed seeing him in casual clothes just as he was dressed now. He wore a white shirt and green pants along with a jacket in three shades of blue and black and white sneakers. But his looks were what made the outfit though. Could he really blame you for wanting to see him in more outfits like this one?

And now that you were satisfied with your purchases, you were ready to head back to Tokyo Jujutsu High together. That did not stop you from getting sidetracked though. A bookstore down the block caught your eye and with you being the book lover that you were, you knew you just had to take a peek inside.

Stopping in your tracks, you turned your eyes to your boyfriend who also stopped as you tugged against the sleeve of his jacket, and said, "Megumi, look! A bookstore!" You pointed in its direction. "We gotta go check it out."

He could not say no to this request of yours, having already turned down your many attempts at getting him to try on clothes but also because of the excitement in your voice. Reading was something you enjoyed and he wanted nothing more than to make you happy so he responded, "Okay, let's go then. Lead the way [First Name]."

Now that you had your answer, you pulled him along to the entrance of the bookstore. Upon entering, the chime of a bell alerted the owners of your arrival who welcomed the two of you as you stepped inside.

The place smelled of books old and new and felt more like a library than a store though one on a much smaller scale. It was not very bright inside. The lights gave off a dim glow, giving the store a more cozy vibe. Everything that was new seemed to be located towards the front while the old books were stored at the back and that is just where you wanted to go.

You both made your way over to those shelves, letting the signs lead you to the specific genres you were interested in. And as you got to the nonfiction section, that is where Megumi's exploration ended. "[First Name], I'm going to take a look around here."

"Alright," you replied. "If you need me, I'll probably be in the fiction section." Once he nodded in response, you left him and continued on, trailing your fingertips over the spines of the books at your height level, quickly glancing at the titles. Nothing caught your attention so far but you knew that would change once you got to your preferred genre.

Thanks for Loving Me || Megumi Fushiguro x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now