Minnie - Chapter 13

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~Minnie's POV~

Hoseok had managed to sneak in another feeding and then another when I was still half out of it. My body didn't ache as it had but I felt exhausted, Jaehoon convinced him to let me just rest after the third feeding, offering me food, and something to drink but I refused it. I was full enough feeling, enough where my stomach was starting to get queasy again.

"Hoseok for the final time, he doesn't need another feeding he is healing now as he should be and the kits are fine! Eat some food dear god before you pass out next!" I picked up bits and pieces of Minhee giggling at Jaehoon, Namjoon trying to trick Jin into feeding next, and the soft melodic hum of Jisoo who was chatting with her brother and Yohyun.

I hadn't seen Yohyun since the day I left the cabin, I had missed him. He was a good friend who I grew to love just like Jin, Namjoon, and Felix. He was precious to me and I held onto things that were precious even if sometimes I run away I never forget how much someone means to me.

"See now he is waking up again, Hoseok I said leave him be!" Now Jaehoon sounded pissed off when I felt Hoseok trying to lift me only to be put right back down and him growling while something shatters on the ground. "I get your instincts are going haywire, but rest is what he needs most right now. Please try to calm yourself, look at him, he is fine, the marks have sealed, and his breathing is back to normal."

"Kit, stop fighting against those who're trying to help you." It was my mother's voice, even in my half-asleep state I felt tears springing to my closed eyes.

"You don't get a fucking say!" That made my eyes fly open and look to the area where that tone had come from. "You don't get to walk back in here and act like you know what is best for Jimin. I'm his mate, his alpha, I know what is best even more than his god damn no good-"

"Jung Hoseok!" I watched his face whip towards me, eyes shifting between midnight blue and almond brown. "You'll not talk to my Eomma that way again, Jhope let him take over the threat is gone for now!" I felt the power rise then recede as Hoseok takes back over, eyes muddled with a variety of emotions.

"Chim, I'm just trying to protect you, to make you well again, to keep you healthy." His voice comes out almost whiny and I find myself giggling at it. The pout on his face alone was enough to make me lose it completely.

"Must you do cute things right now? Do you think pouting will get you what you want?" He rumbles settling next to me, his arms wrapping around and pulling me into his lap. He brushes his nose along my jawline to my mark, and then back up to nuzzle it with mine. "If Jaehoon says I'm okay then Hobi, I'm really okay. I know you're just doing what instincts are telling you to do but really I'm okay now." I bring my hands up to cup his cheeks, humming as warmth starts to spread into the tips of my fingers.

"Alright, enough cute snuggly bullshit I want my god damn hug next." Jin huffs next to the couch now, arms crossed when Hoseok glowers up at him. "Let me hug him and then he can be all yours again."

Hoseok begrudgingly lets me go, allowing Jin to crouch and bring me in for a suffocating, bone-crushing hug. His shoulders move and I feel something hot and wet soaking into the shirt I'm in. "Aish Eomma I'm fine now. Just some scratches is all, stop blubbering all over the clean shirt!" I try to tease him but he just holds me tighter, and I start to feel emotions swell as reality settles in. "I love you Jin," I mumble, grasping onto him tighter than before and allowing a few tears to spring from my eyes.

"Come here Namjoon, I don't care." Hoseok looks to Namjoon who was standing there, his lips pressed tightly together in a grim line watching Jin and me. In two long strides, he is swooping us both up in his arms holding tightly and taking a few shaky breaths in, and releasing them slowly.

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