what's happening.

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A dream, that's all it was, but it felt a lot more real, falling into a pit, which seemed to happen for hours, as darkness consumed her. She woke with a small yelp as she hit the back of her head against cold metal. She was just barely awake and was trying to go back to sleep despite being very uncomfortable. Seeing as the task was not working, she started looking around, the place she woke up in was a rectangle, it seemed like she fell asleep in a locker. She does have a few bullies, so she was probably stuffed in there at some point.

A blinding light started opening in front of her and she started to wobble forward. She fell on someone, causing them to fall as well, she only got a small glimpse before passing out again in a relaxing sleep this time.

Around 5 minutes later… (apologies for the sucky writing)

When she woke up she was in a gym that was covered in vines. She grumbled about how bright the room was and tried to go back to sleep. Before she could slip back into it she was being shaken up and down. She tiredly opened her eyes to see she was being carried by someone. It was a male around the same age as her.

"Hey, wake up Mariko." He said, trying to keep her awake. That's right, my name is Mariko Keina.

She looked up at the boy, it took a minute to recognize him. "K-Kioshi?" She lifted her arm a little to touch his face, squishing his cheek. She started giggling at how his face looks now. He smirked at her little action.

This boy...is Kioshi Keina, my older brother, he's a year older than me. He was around 5'6 in height and had a bit of a skinny build, but he could still carry his sister. He had short hair but it was getting a little long. Last I remember he was walking me to school and a black car rolled up to us, like 5-6 mystery men came out and snatched us. We-I screamed for help, Kioshi stayed quiet and some-what hugged me to make me feel safer.

Kioshi took her hand off his cheek and set her down on her feet. "Now be quiet." Looking around they were in the back of a crowd of students, around 16 of them. All had different uniforms on. Mariko was walking with her brother to school because it was her first year of high school and he wanted to protect her, she didn't mind though it made her feel safe.

She was still drowsy and wobbled a little, her eyelids started to feel like cement blocks. She felt like she was about to drift off again. She started leaning to the side and felt her body hit someone. The person's body immediately tensed at this. She was picked under the armpits and sat on someone's shoulders, resting her head on the top of theirs.

As she fell asleep for the third time that day, everyone else stared at her for a moment before going back to their conversation.

*Into the dream*

She had a weird dream, she had dreamed she died after being hit on the head. She laid in a pink puddle, making her blond hair have a pink hue to it. In this dream though, she was laying on the ground wearing a black dress with a white ribbon around her waist. She looked beautiful, but her eyes were no longer bright like usual, they were a cold dark blue. Her brother was with her, arms around her waist in the same predicament. It was almost like the gods were warning her. She put her hands over her mouth and wanted to wake from this hell.

Before she was going to pinch herself, she heard sniffling. It was a big man in a brown suit with tears running down his cheeks. He seemed to be blaming himself for her death. Who is this man and why is he crying for her?

A blue haired girl with a matching blue outfit rubbed his arm. "Gonta don't blame yourself. It's not your fault." She said as she suddenly stared at Mariko, not the dead one, the one that has no idea what's happening.

Blue girl was giving Mariko a literal death stare. Mariko quickly started to pinch herself as hard as she could. "C'mon c'mon." She muttered as she squeezed harder and harder, ignoring the pain. It worked, making her jolt awake.

When she woke up there were 6 teddy bears, 1 black and white, 1 pink and white, 1 green and white, 1 yellow bear, 1 blue bear, and 1 red bear. Right before she could question anything about this, the black bear took out a flashlight and practically blinded everyone. Memories flooded her sight and thoughts...wait memories? Why are memories here? Whatever, it's time for bed, goodnight.

That's it for now hope you liked it I will plan to post more soon, for those reading this hope you have a good day/night!😊😉

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