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"Bright." It was bright considering at this point you have over slept by 4 hours. A yawn slipped passed your lips as you rub your eyes,before you could sit up enough to look at the clock on your wall you yelp. Your body ached from training at school so hard. "Shit, they really dont hold out on newbies" you had just transferred to the hero course,you cursed under your breath as pull yourself together enough to sit up. Dragging your legs to the side of your bed you stand up and shuffle your way to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror you see bags under your deep E/C eyes. You run the cold water splashing it on your face hoping it will help take the dark shades from under your eyes. Your phone dinged,

Pinky<3: Hey babe, coming to class or nah

You drag you hand down you face and sigh. You notice the time and realized it was pointless to go now.

You: cough cough. Cant come in cover me please.

She owed you this from the time she snuck to get some loven from Sero. Of course you covered for her. Hell you'd want someone to cover you if it meant possibly getting some.

PINKY<3: Fine. Make it worth it its my ass on the line!!!!

You shook your head at her message before sitting your phone down and brushing your teeth and dressing. You wore a simple long black hoodie that covered your hands and a pair of acid washed jeans and lastly your worn down chuck Taylors. Grabbing your bag you throw it over your shoulder. It was more of a small backpack. Once you locked up your apartment you put away your keys and decide it was a good day to get a new book and some coffee.
Thinking about back to Mina's text you sigh "She would say this is lame and not worth skipping for" you mumble to yourself as you head down the street to the book store.

The sky was bright with the worst kind of light. The mid day sun that wanted nothing more but to burn your skin and cause cancer. You pull up your hood causing you to bump into a brick wall. A fucking brick wall. You growl slightly as you dust your hoodie off. A laugh could be heard from not too far away. Your head snaps in the direction of the judgmental chuckle.

There stood a taller man with his hood up. You rush over to him ready to pick a bone. "Who the hell laughs at someone for-" before you could finish his arms go up

The male spoke with a deep yet easy voice  "Whoa there little Fox. No need to kick my ass. The wall was totally trying to start something" He chuckled.

"Whats that supposed-" You look up with anger and your E/C met the face of the joker. Long lashes. Nose piercings and what seemed to be scared skin and lovely bright blue eyes."Your eyes.." Your voice soft almost a whisper. You step back not thinking.

He lowers his arms "You good there?" he asked leaning over a little now with his hands in his hoodie pockets. "Where the angry girl go?" Your mind races "Pretty eyes or not! You cant just laugh then tease me!" you shout. For some reason you were embarrassed more so than angry.

He removes one of his hands from his hoodie and ruffles your hair. "Awh you think my eyes are pretty" he teased. Acting without thinking you slam your head forwards into his head butting him. To say the least it stunned him. You take off the other way leaving him with his hand over his nose. As you rushed off he stood there blood dripping from his hand "Oh little fox that wasnt close to teasing" he said lowly.

You kept walking your heart racing for some reason. You were not an angry person but his laugh was so taunting.

Stopping at a park after getting your coffee,  you lean on a tree almost melting to the base of it as you sunk down slowly. "Fucking ass hole!" you growled.

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