Chapter One: Band Names

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"Ooh, you totally nailed it, Dylan." Said my best friend, Addison. We were practicing our songs for the band rehearsal. I totally nailed my solo piece. "Yeah, Dylan. You really have a gift." Said Sadie. The whole band agreed. I had been practicing the solo on my guitar for nearly a month. "I wonder, Dylan, if you could win Americas got talent with that song." Said Marci. "Only problem is, there is no name for the band, and I would want to give all you guys some credit and tell them that it will be on first album if we get enough hits." I replied. "So, let's get a name for the band then." Said Addison. After about an hour, we decided to make a list of the names we thought of and write them down on a sheet of paper and then have a vote the next day. After we made a plan, I left Marci's house and went home to do my schoolwork. I was definitely dreading this part of the day. We had been given twenty two questions to do for math today. The teacher said they were supposed to be "easy" but she should probably should have chosen a better selection of words that goes like "for everyone except Dylan, this is a easy give me points". I totally suck at math. Even the popular kids know that. I used to get teased in second grade because I never understood what the heck the teachers were saying. As the thoughts of band names wandered through my head, I finally made it home. I could not wait to get started on thinking of band names, that was easy and really the only homework I had. Other then the stupid math homework that we got today. I said hello to my parents, and went straight to my room to do my homework. Well, to be exact, to work on the list of band names. After that, then I would do my math homework. "Let's see" I said. It could not be something nerdy, like the weather lunatics. That was an outcast band at my school. They have some okay music I guess, but there name really sucks. It could not be something to girly girl ish. Ugh, the popular people are always making things a big deal, like who's dating who, who likes who, and who broke up with who. I am definitely not going to hand in a name that is ridiculous, like the pop stars, or midnight rockers. Well, if I really thought about it, midnight rockers is not to bad, so I put that on my list. Maybe something that is sort of deep and dark. Like midnight rockers, or something like tears of blood. But, tears of blood is a terrible name, so I would not mention that plus it's already taken. Gee whiz, this is harder than I thought it would be. I thought this would be a piece of cake, but you really have to think of all the alternatives to a certain band name. How about a name like rose petals? Well, that sounds more like a title for a song. Ha! That's definitely going to be the next song that is going to be written. Maybe we should just stick with Midnight rockers. But, we could also do Two directions. That sounds like a different version of one direction though. Maybe if we did the Fancy girls. Huh, that's not too bad. I put that down as the second one on my list. Or, we could do the fan page. That one was just okay to me, so I put that one as the third one. Thinking about that made me think of a crown. So maybe the queen bees? That's better than the fancy girls. I put that on my list as well. That's all I could think of for now, so I put the list of names in my guitar case for tomorrow. I decided to work on my math homework. It was kind of easy, so I pretty much blew through it. Then I also had to finish these focus skills later for the week, so I did those too. Now I could just kick back and relax. Ooh, maybe a little sidewalk chalk graffiti on the street would be fun. I decided to call up the band so that we could do some doodling outside on the street. After everyone got together at my house, we got the chalk and drew logos for the band. We also talked about the band names. Even by the end of the day, we had not decisions. I decided to set aside the band names and work on some new songs. But, once I got my guitar out I had to eat dinner. So I ate my dinner, and then worked on a new song. Pretty soon, after I started to play some notes, it was time for bed. So I went to bed so that I could see what was going on on Instagram. Nothing much, only two people followed me, but by then I decided to check my oovoo. Nothing much happened except that my crush followed me. Wait, what? I looked again to see if I was seeing right. Nope, he definitely followed me. I nearly jumped out of my bed. "Ouch." I said. I landed on my butt on the floor. I still had my jeans on. Ugh. I decided to change into clothes I could jump around in so I could jump up and down on my bed. Wow, I did not think I could get so excited. But, it was pretty exciting. I finally went to bed after I brushed my teeth and hair, and had my pjs on. Some time later, I was fast asleep. The next day was going to be great.

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