Chapter Two: The Fabulous Five

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"There she is." Said a voice.

"Looking beautiful as always, I see."

The voice was very familiar, though I was not sure I was hearing it right.

"Come on Dylan, let's go." Said the voice again. Wait, I did know this voice. It was Ethan! My crush!

"Let me load the stuff for the band, or else I won't be able to perform." I said.

We sat in the back of a car. It was a taxi. He kissed me.

"Wake up, you silly girl." He said. "Wake up, or you'll be late for school."

"But you have to go to school too, don't you?" I said.

He kissed me again. I fluttered my eyes open and woke up in my bedroom. Ugh, it was just a dream. And my mom was waking me up. Shoot, dad was already at work and the other kids were already getting ready for school. I went downstairs to eat a quick breakfast, and grabbed my stuff for school. The band rehearsals were after school today at my house, so I did not need to bring my guitar with me luckily. I got changed, brushed my teeth and hair, put on some makeup, and raced for the bus stop. Then as I was about to walk out the door, I realized I forgot my I phone and my ear buds. I would definitely need those. Once I got to the bus stop, I sat with Marci and Addison on the bench. We mostly talked about stuff for the band, and hair dye, but once we got on the bus we were completely different people. We were quiet and listened to our music on our phones, and texted each other through our phones as well. We knew we had to be quiet so that Claire, the most popular girl in school, would not see me and decide to pick on me. She was definitely a queen bee wanna be. All the teachers loved her. She got pretty much all the boys too. I can't say I blame her though. She has gorgeous blonde hair. She had perfect white teeth, and wore absolutely amazing outfits. She was a big deal at our school. So if you got asked to sit with her at lunch, it was a huge deal especially if you turned it down. She was a goddess at our school. She was head of the cheerleading team and had the most gorgeous boyfriend ever (his name is Ethan.) which happened to be my crush. And she was disgustingly rich. And now that I think of it, I am basically living in a Mean Girls movie. Anyways, she's never seen me before, same with two of the four of her other friends, Sarah Jefferson, the know it all, as well. Sarah is the type who should seriously work for the newspaper she was always up in your gossip. Alexandra, who was a fashion freak and always by Claire's side. Then there were the other two who had seen me before. The first ones name was Tara, who would basically fail every single class in the school due to her daily makeup studies in class. And then there was Mackenzie, who was just pretty much the health nut of the whole group. She hates bad bacteria and all of that guck. But anyways these five girls were the most popular in the school. And hopefully, I would be able to doge their tornadoes. Even though it was only the second week of school, the usual drama and other bull crap was at school.

I was in the middle of centuries by F.O.B when we finally pulled up at the school. I stepped of with the rest of my squad, and set to my locker. Just as I was unpacking, my friend Colin walked toward me with his usual smirk.

"Hey" he said.

I replied back with a simple "sup".

He laughed. "Nothing much. Except that Claire just broke up with Prince Charming."

I was shocked. They were dating for about a year now, but at least I have an opportunity to try and make small talk.

"You're joking."
"What are you thinking about?"

I kind of lied. Honestly I was thinking of some sort of way to talk to him. He was in almost all of my classes. I could say something about the homework assignment. That's an idea we will discuss later with Mom. If she posts anything on Facebook, I will have to kill her.

"Whew thought I lost you for a second. We need to get to class we are running late."
"Okay lets go then."
Just as I was walking in the classroom, I saw Ethan walking down the hallway. He was wearing blue. I like blue. I could compliment on his shirt. "Or you could not try to run into the door." Said Colin. What an anus. I walked into class thinking of when lunch was. Eating a granola bar for breakfast was not my smartest move. I sat down in my seat and then a miracle happened.

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