The pick up Pov:kali starkweather black

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I sat impatiently waiting for the bell to ring I couldn't use magic because then I would have made my presence known to the runaway death eater who was lurking in the school somewhere. My gut feeling told me that she would appear the next period. When the bell finally rang I had to wait for my friends. When we finally reached our next period class I saw her the death eater she looks up and smiles sinisterly. I show no fear because I have no fear (a few months back I split my soul for killing a monster bellatrix made but let's not get into that right now) the death eater knows who I am but does nothing at the moment. "Hey Kali earth to Kali ur not even paying attention to us" she was right I was not my mind was on Draco as usual and I snapped out of the trancelike state I was in and said "now u have my attention what "oh my god u have British accent I knew it were are u from. Manchester I mumble. At that the death eater looks up and reaches for her wand ..... I yell to the two muggles in the room to leave and toss a wand to ciara and Evangeline and before I could say anything the death eater slumped down and lo and behold he walks out from the door guess who it is it was.......Draco!!! "Miss me " "ummm what going on here I'm confused "said Evy. "Of course you are , you're a mud blood" "Draco! Be nice just because she doesn't have our pure blood status doesn't mean you have to be a bloody prick. "Well you haven't changed a bit love as I asked before miss me. " maybe   how did you know that .. "That you were in trouble well " " I could of handled it by myself ".  Ok you love birds need to hurry up and get a move on said a voice from the shadows. That's when my eldest brother Logan Black walked in. " Logan ! Hey what'd you guys do plan this months ahead ". Ummm maybe lil sis. He looked over at ciara and evy and he switched into his gentleman voice. He walked over to ciara and evy and said if you would kind put your hand in mine so we can successfully complete the side along apparition. They disappeared. Draco and I did the same when we touched down we are on the room of requirements. Evy walks up to me and Draco and asks " if the would get wands  ".  Before I could answer Draco said "well if you look in your pocket you'll both find your wands. Ciara's wand was beautiful and worked like a pro while Evys thin and looked frail.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2015 ⏰

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