No! Why did she do that?!
I quickly wiped my lips and went back to our room.
I have to tell Natalie.
But not right now.
I sat on the bed and put on a show just to take my mind off it.
I didn't even watch the show- just stared at the wall.
Maybe I was staring for a long time because I didn't even hear or see Natalie come in and sit next to me.
" are you okay? " she asked.
" Yeah- are you? " I asked and she nodded.
• Lorelai •
I wanted to do it and I feel no ounce of guilt.
Okay maybe the fact that we both have girlfriends so there's a little regret because of Natalie.
The door was opened and it was Kaliyah.
" Mommy " she said with her voice breaking and that's when I had noticed she look like she had been crying.
" What's wrong? " I asked and she went on the other side of the bed and got up here.
" you're hurt " she said and started crying.
" I am but you don't have to cry because I'm okay " I said back to her and she moved closer to me.
" They're coming " she said and I got confused but that confusion didn't last long when Nalaya and Tahani trotted in.
" Close the door " I said in a slightly happy tone to Tahani since she was the last one and she did.
They got in my bed and all you could hear was Kaliyah's sniffles until Tahani spoke.
" Mommy why is she crying? "
" Because she's scared " I said truthfully.
" Why? "
" Because I hurt myself but I'm okay "
" You have a hurt? " Nalaya asked and I replied with a yes.
" do you guys want to watch a movie? " I asked and they all replied by yelling with a yes.
I grabbed the remote from under the pillow and turned on Netflix.
Tahani and Nalaya also came up here and got under the blanket.
" How do you guys feel about school? " I asked while looking through movies.
" SCHOOL!! " Tahani said excitedly.
" yay " Nalaya added on.
" it's okay " Kaliyah said shrugging her shoulders.
" We have to go back to the UK " I said.
" Mommy let's watch that one " Tahani said pointing to wreck it Ralph 2 and i quickly clicked on it.
Before I could do anything my phone rang.
I looked at the Caller ID and it was Taylor.
I sighed and declined the call before I started to watch tv.
After a few minutes I felt sleepy and closed my eyes.
• Hours Later •
I woke up to someone calling my name and I opened my eyes to see it was dad.
We meet again II
ActionLorelai Bottura.. Back 2 and a half years later. This time she has a new addition and a more powerful spot. Everyone was shocked to know she was alive and they slowly started to become a family again until there was a mix up. Will she leave again...