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To have only one love in your life and be restricted to that singular object of affection, Harry thought was pretty unfair. Were you to give every single particle that drifted through your blood to that one thing? Surely it would overflow with that amount of love, especially if it was someone like Harry giving it out. He had waves of love crashing under his skin every second, pulsing through his veins and curling around his muscles. He did not think that all of his love would be able to be shared with only one thing or person; no, that was impossible.

Harry Styles had two loves.

One was the sea.

Two was Louis Tomlinson.

He could never rank one higher than the other. Maybe he should have been able to, but the only person who understood his love for the rolling waves was his second love, and the only one who understood his love for Louis Tomlinson was his first love. So he liked to think that they balanced each other out. He held them on an imaginary podium side by side, gleaming with pride. If one wobbled on the high pinnacle, the other would be there to take the fall. (And by that, Harry meant that if the sea let him down in the form of bad waves or bad skills on his half, Louis would be there with a hand in his curls. If Louis let him down by not being the support Harry most definitely needed (but stressed that he most definitely didn't need), the sea was there with its blue fingers firmly pressing into his skull.)

Both could wrap around him and push a small needle of tranquillity into his sorrowful heart. Both could whisper words of comfort. Both could liven his mood to a drug-like high. Both could weave uninhibited shivers through every cell in his body. Both could burst his pupils so that they leaked black oil in between the seaweed green that his eyes cradled with the utmost care. Both could catch his breath in various ways. Both could make his lips curl into a blinding smile, cracking his chapped lips with a pleasurable pain.

Both were his whole world, and he would do anything to make sure that one was always locked around his ankle, and the other was locked between his fingers.


Entrancing. Mesmerising. Unique. Exciting. Adventurous. Fascinating. Unpredictable. Whirlwind. Rush. Beautiful.

Ask Harry Styles to name the first ten words which come into his mind when he sees Louis Tomlinson and those will be his chosen ten.

| THE END  |

And Now A Piece Of Me Is A Piece Of The Beach || larry stylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now