The relationship that I've always dream

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So today is a little unusual compared to other days. Life the other day I woke up late. Then after that I look after our store. Then out of nowhere I ask Ate Roxanne to join me singing in my Lola's karaoke. It was fun. And remember that I said a little unusual, cause like the usual day my mom is playing cards again up until now. It was one of things that I despise that my Mom do. Yes, she could win but when you count all the loses that she has it's more than what she earned in gambling.

And today I started watching Dolly and the Cocky Prince. It's a Korean Novella, and it's really interesting. Would we have the relationship that they have? In any way, I wish we have the most unforgettable meeting we could have to start something wonderful. I really don't know what I'm saying right now. I wish you're doing fine wherever you are right now. Please be a good person no matter what but not too much. I'm also doing my best to be a good person so that when we finally meet we'll not going through rough times and stay forever with each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2021 ⏰

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