So today is a little unusual compared to other days. Life the other day I woke up late. Then after that I look after our store. Then out of nowhere I ask Ate Roxanne to join me singing in my Lola's karaoke. It was fun. And remember that I said a little unusual, cause like the usual day my mom is playing cards again up until now. It was one of things that I despise that my Mom do. Yes, she could win but when you count all the loses that she has it's more than what she earned in gambling.
And today I started watching Dolly and the Cocky Prince. It's a Korean Novella, and it's really interesting. Would we have the relationship that they have? In any way, I wish we have the most unforgettable meeting we could have to start something wonderful. I really don't know what I'm saying right now. I wish you're doing fine wherever you are right now. Please be a good person no matter what but not too much. I'm also doing my best to be a good person so that when we finally meet we'll not going through rough times and stay forever with each other.

Letters for You
LosoweGoing to write everyday for you so you would eventually know what was happening to me while waiting for you.