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Waking up in the dead of the night only to hear the owls hooting away searching for their prey, knowing this time is meant only for Her and Her rabb, she sprang out of bed with renewed energy just to find that it was the last third of the night and that her rabb is waiting for her coz it was He who woke her up and not the alarm clock.. reciting the duaa that's prescribed for her the moment she gets up, thanking Allah for another day, to be a better person, to get more closer to Him, though there might be hurdles in her way..

A hop, a skip and a jump across her room in the silence of the night and in to the washroom she went. A quick wash she gave her body, coz who on earth will meet their love with a stench. Teeth brushed, face washed with the chilly water right in the middle of the night, clothes changed and ablution made, she spread out her musallah on the ground, the perks of having her own room is when She can still get up in the dead of the night and it remains a secret just between Her and Her rabb forever and always, well, that may not be the same when her prince charming sweeps her off the ground, and bam! She has to share her room with someone else, but all this she cared tuppence for, knowing that she was still young and not old enough to be a married woman, the responsibilities she didn't want to take it, well, marriage is far away from her mind and wasn't her cup of coffee, as for now, she is happy and content loving someone so greatly knowing that He loves her way more that she can imagine and that someone is none but her eternal love, Allah.. nothing can be more amazing than knowing that Allah the Lord of the Heavens and the earth loves her way more than she can comprehend..

Standing in the middle of the solitude room that had no one in except for her, she stood in prayer to her rabb most high, knowing not that the angels had descended down to pay her a tribute and a grand visit.. She responded to the call of her rabb, when the rest were fast asleep, in this blessed hour, what a waste their lives are, not searching for true happiness and guidance from its original source, but finding them in places that can't give them any recourse.. reassured is she knowing Allah's plans are always the best for her, but yet she kept begging unto him with a bleeding heart for his mercy forgiveness and love..

Completing her qiyaamul-layl, 2 units into four.. She stood up and dragged her weak soul towards her windows opening it up and letting the breeze fill her room.. gazing at the moon lit sky she spent her time, having a heart to heart conversation to the one who had come down to the first heaven just to talk to his beloved ones.. She came out of her trance once she heard the call to prayer from a distance, knowing that it was coming from the local masjid, she listened to the rhythm of the call to prayer but sad at the fact that her Allah had gone up but nevertheless he was right beside her through every thick and thin..

She went back to her musallah to resume the conversation she had with her Lord, her soul filled with submission and humility as she prayed her nafl and then her fardh, and the best part about the nafl was that she felt like the most richest being on earth.. treasured was what She felt when being with her lord.. love was what She gave and what She got in abundance.. She went walking to Her Creator and He came running towards her.. completing her salaah and Her duaas She took out her mus'haf, the most precious treasure that she ever possessed, she recited to calm her soul, she recited to ease her troubles worries and fears, she went on till her throat was parched but that didn't stop her from achieving the peace she wanted, on and on she went with her Qur'an drifting off to a totally different place.. lucky she felt to be a Muslimah.. and so are we, lucky in our own beautiful way..

May Allah make us shine with His noor by being amongst those who pray thahajjudh.. May He make us from amongst His chosen slaves, who will shine with guidance to the humanity at large.. Aameen Ya Rabb!!


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