Coming home

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Let's begin
You always thought he was odd, so weird, all through elementary and high school, You always thought he was spasticated or something, nevertheless You was always with him, staying by his side, just you and izaya.

Because your were his only friend and him you, He was something of a brother to you, even when you met shizuo, you stayed with izaya, even when you gained that crush on the vending machine throwing inhumanly strong unnatural blonde, you stook with izaya.

You happend to tell izaya about your little crush at the begging of high school, the noiret didn't take the information well, you'd had an argument over it, him telling you "he's bad news" and "you will get hurt".

You listened and took it as him being an overprotective brother figure over you, you'd apologised to him and he the same, but you told him you still liked shizuo.

Izaya being good at getting information, told your cousin shinra, shinra being protecting of you just warned you, and told you to be aware.

You listened and agreed.

In your second year or high school you happend to get into a relation ship with shizuo, which surprised you as he asked you and you still had a crush on him.

You'd been going out for the rest of the year and the next.

At the end of your last year of high school your uncle, shinras dad told you you'd be moving to Tokyo, to be with some aunts and uncles, you was hesitant at first, but agreed, you'd been living with shinra before.

You broke up with shizuo, and told him, he was sad at first and Insisted he came with you, but nevertheless he agreed in the end.

No one could resist your puppy eyes.

You were going to go to Tokyo, You didn't tell izaya as your thought he didn't like you anymore, The both of you just stopped talking once you got into a relationship with shizuo.

So you only told your family, shizuo, and namie.

Ah yes namie, she was a good friend of yours, you two was in all the same classes so it made sense really.

Namie has a younger brother called seiji, she seemed to love him a lot.

Siblings, you didn't have any,

Izaya did, he had two younger twin sisters, meiru, and Kururi was there names I think?

You went to Tokyo,

You where there for a few years since know you are 24, you was excited to go back to ikebukuro, so you could see your friends and family again.

While you was away you met a man named ren, he reminded you of shizuo a bit, I guess that's why you ended up being his girlfriend.

He had blond hair, green eyes, and had glasses, he always wore a suit, he was British but lived in Tokyo.

You had everything planned out when you was going to go back.

It was perfect, you texted shinra and asked him if you could work with him, you god a few A levels in biology, you got a PH for surgery, so you was good to go.

He agreed, and you was over the moon when found out, it's quite funny to think about it really, you was eating some good old instant ramen, and texting shinra, looking over your phone every few seconds to see if he'd replayed you'd notice drops of ramen broth on your phone, your wipe it off with a piece kitchen roll.

You ended up dropping all you ramen you was so buzzed.

You'd spend a few years saving up from part time jobs to buy a house, the job you had didn't pay well so it took a few years, it was perfect.

First choices are not always the best - Izaya Orihara x readerWhere stories live. Discover now