Married in Scandel: by Anne Gracie

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Rating: 8.5/10

Genre: Historical Romance

Age meter: 18+

Available at: Barnes & Noble

Has smut

Warnings: Fat shaming, dyslexic shaming?, kidnapping

My output: is well written, a bit tropey since it is "historical romance" but it has body positivity, considering Lily (the main character) is plus sized and possible struggles with dyslexia.

Summary of Book?: Lily is a rich bitch who is possssiby dyslexic/ has struggled to read for a long time, causing her to be a disappointment in her father's eyes for a long time (yay daddy issues).

Lily's aunt constantly compares her to her older sister, Rose, who is literate and "meets" beauty standards (she's skinny but not a bitch).

Anyway, lily gets kidnapped and is saved by her older brother's best friend (who is known as a man hoe amongst a lot of married woman). They end of having to get married since a bunch of rumors began spreading that they had premarital sex. Will their marriage last 🥵🤭🤫?

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