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 Casey Gardner had always been Elsa's little princess. From the moment she was born, Elsa looked into her eyes and promised to protect her from everything bad in the world. She never let Casey run in the middle of the night, had a very strict curfew set for her, and wasn't exactly a huge fan of her boyfriend Evan staying in her room late at night. Don't get her wrong, she liked Evan, he was sweet, but Elsa also knows how fragile Casey's young heart is. And she doesn't want it to be broken.

It was winter when Casey had run to her in the kitchen after school that day. She grinned and lifted up the crumpled brochure in her hand, completely oblivious to the fact that Elsa was busy making dinner. "What is that honey?" Elsa asked, continuing to stir the soup as Casey sat comfortably on the kitchen counter. "Ski trip," Casey replied, handing Elsa the brochure, which finally got her attention. She took her time to read it before giving it back to Casey.

"No way."

Casey's face dropped. "But-but Mum! Everyone at Newton is going, Sharice, Tanya and even Beth! It's the highlight of junior year!" Casey protested. "I don't know Case. I mean you haven't been away from home before and... skiing can be really dangerous."

"You worry too much mother. The school is paying for everything- the ski equipment, the accommodation, the food. Plus, I got really good grades this year and I think I deserve it."

"Well will there be a chaperone?" Elsa asked and Casey looked at her sheepishly, hoping that Elsa wouldn't mind. "What?! No chaperone?" Elsa gasped and Casey groaned. "But that's the point! It's a chance for us to get away from everything and... live life. Please mum, I really wanna go."

After much begging and answering questions, Casey had finally gotten Elsa's permission and hugged her tight.

That was a week ago and right now, Casey was stressfully packing for her trip, Evan sitting opposite her on the bed. "So this trip... any guys?" He asked and Casey scoffed. "Of course there are. But they won't be letting girls room with guys. Anyways, you're the only boy I'll ever love," She mumbled against his lips before kissing him. "I love you. I'm gonna miss you so much. Take care of my sister by the way," He said and Casey laughed. "I'm sure she'll be fine. It's only a 6 week trip, I'll be back before you know it.

After kisses and never-ending hugs from her family, especially Elsa, Casey was off to school with Evan driving her. She couldn't contain her excitement as she continued to talk to Evan about all the things she was going to do- ski down the slopes, parties in the hotel room, lots and lots of photos and memories. But the thought of not being able to be around Evan was a horrible feeling and was scared that she was going to feel a little empty without him.

When Evan turned into Newton High, they saw students already gathered at the field, waiting for the bus. "Well, I guess this is it," Evan said sadly and Casey couldn't help but giggle. "This sounds like we're breaking up. Don't be dramatic," She said and he rolled his eyes. They gave each other final kisses, finding it hard to let go of each other but they finally did when Sharice came knocking on the car window.

"Hey love birds, time to break it up," She said and Casey pointed her middle finger up at her.

Evan helped Casey to carry out her large suitcase filled with her winter jackets and clothes. "Call me everyday okay?" He whispered into her ear and she smiled and nodded before finally leaving him.

When they had gotten to the field, they were surprised to see one of the teachers there as they knew this was a no-chaperone trip. "Relax Mrs Gardner," He said, noticing Casey's annoyance and she turned red. "I'm just here to give you all some instructions and the roommate pairings," He said and everyone started to mumble in confusion. "Mr Ryan, I thought we were allowed to pick our roommates," Sharice said and he shook his head no. "Unfortunately, there were incidences of guys going into girls' rooms at night and we don't want to have a repeat of another... pregnancy scare. So you all will have to strictly follow the pairings," He said and everyone groaned.

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