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Casey had completely misjudged Izzie.

But can we blame her? It was Izzie's motive after all. To make Casey think she was a complete arrogant asshole so that she would leave her alone... so that she would let her continue pretending to be Clayton's princess.

But every single misconception Casey had about Izzie completely flew out of the window as they sat at the dining table, talking. Izzie also realised that she didn't mind Casey knowing the real her. It felt... right.

For the first time, the girls sat together for more than 10 minutes. Casey had ordered room service and told Sharice and Tanya that she wouldn't be joining them for breakfast.

Sharice: WHAAT?? breakfast with the devil???

Tanya: are we surprised though? we knew it would happen

Sharice: have fun but not too much fun ;)

Casey laughed at their ridiculousness but stopped when she realised that she had completely forgot to text Evan back.

Evan: heyyy so we haven't talked in a while

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Casey mumbled to herself and Izzie looked up from her plate of omelettes.

"What's wrong?" She asked and Casey moved to her side. "I completely forgot to text Evan."

Izzie scoffed and returned to her food. Casey wasn't hurt, knowing that Izzie wasn't going to be completely nice to her yet.

"You're so stupid Newton. Come on, give me your phone," Izzie demanded, putting her hand out and Casey complied.

Izzie typed away on the phone and Casey went to get her own plate of omelettes.

"Done!" Izzie exclaimed proudly, before handing Casey back the phone.

i'm so sorry evan... injured myself during skiing so i had to deal with that. call you tonight?

Casey looked at the text, raising her eyebrow. "Wow, you're good at this," Casey said and Izzie blushed. "I'm used to it. I always fight with Nate so I know exactly what to say to defuse the situation."

Casey knew this was the perfect opening for the big unanswered question. But she and Izzie just got to talking (at least nicely) and she didn't want to mess it up. It wasn't exactly her place to ask Izzie questions about Nate, who she probably knows better than she does. But at the same time, she feels guilty just standing there to do nothing while she allows that obnoxious douchebag take advantage of his girlfriend. No one deserves that, and especially not Izzie.

"So when are you gonna break up with him?" Casey asked, bracing for impact in case Izzie got offended. "I'm not going to. We talked this morning and we're fine now," Izzie replied, shrugging.

"Do I need to take your phone and help you text him too? I don't know something like... 'I'm breaking up with you.' Yeah, sounds about right," Casey scoffed before sitting opposite Izzie. "What's the point of breaking up? It'll cause too much unnecessary drama."

"What's the point?! He's taking advantage of you Izzie!"

Izzie now seemed frustrated and Casey was afraid that she was about to tell her to mind her own business and they would be back to square one. But instead, she took a deep breath.

"So why haven't you replied Evan?" She changed the subject and Casey was taken aback. She didn't know how to answer the question, nor did she know how to explain it in a way that wouldn't give Izzie too many details. But she figured that opening up about her own relationship problems, which she doubted were worse than the problems between Izzie and Nate, would give Izzie the confidence to open up too, and maybe even take Casey's advice.

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