The little things

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It's been a few months since Alan and Kevin had started dating. Alan had noticed Kevin was looking more feminine compared to when they first started to date.

"Hey Kevin, I have been noticing you becoming more feminine over the few months we have been dating what's up with that?" Alan asked with his arm around Kevin waist.
"Well I did say osmosian can shift depending on their life partner." Kevin responded turning a light shade of red.
"Anyway what have you noticed?" Kevin asked curious about what his partner saw that changed.
"Well you're shoulders are less broad than they were when we first started dating, you have a little more curves and your facial features have softened a little." Alan said planting a kiss on Kevin forehead.
Kevin returned the gesture by kissing Alan on the cheek.

Kevin was so happy to have Alan as his boyfriend and Alan was happy to have Kevin as his.

A/N: I always wanted to write something gay being a gay man myself so I thought I would write my comfort character as a gay man

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