Chapter 27

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At Al's bar, Alex rushes to answer the phone - so much so, she doesn't even look to see who is calling. She knows that it just interrupted a moment, but she is grateful for it.


"Hey, sugar babe."

Alex immediately blushes. "Sam, hi. Just give me a second." Alex moves the phone away from her face and excuses herself. When she whispers to see if it's okay for her to share the news, Kara just nods. Alex steps out of the bar quickly to talk to her girlfriend.

"Hey," Alex says softly. She leans up against the wall outside of the entrance.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything. I- I just wanted to check in on the results of the trial."

"You actually just called at the perfect time. A completely welcomed interruption. Court was... intense. He was sentenced to two years, though. I- I think Lena is taking this harder than she is willing to admit."

"Well, I mean her experience with Lex's and Lillian's trials, I'm not surprised," Sam sighs.

"That and Edge was there. He provided Mike with his defense attorney."

"What?!" Sam explodes on the other end of the phone. "You get back in there and take care of my best friend! I'm going to figure out the details to come back to National City."

"Sam, wait, slo-" Alex looks down to her phone. Sam already hung up. Alex heads back into the bar and immediately clocks that Kara is holding Lena intimately. She can see the CEO's shoulders shaking; she must be crying with her face buried into her sister's chest. She approaches cautiously, just so her sister can see her. As soon as she sees Kara signaling to leave them be, Alex doesn't hesitate to leave them alone. Lena still hasn't opened up to Alex like Sam or Kara. They haven't exactly had a chance to sit down with just the two of them. Alex makes a mental note to try to do better.

Alex walks down the street and calls Sam back, hoping to get through. "Is something wrong?" Sam rushes out.

"No, no, Sam. I went back in, and Kara is all over making sure Lena is alright. She waved me out, and I didn't want to force myself on the situation. I don't know Lena like you guys do."

Sam lets out a loud sigh. "I'm so worried about her, Al."

"I know. And I'm worried about Kara, but it'll be okay. They'll both be okay. How are you?" Alex says softly.

"You're asking me how I'm doing when I wasn't even at the hearing? I should be asking you that."

"I asked first."

"Honestly?" Sam asks hesitantly.

"Yes, please," Alex replies easily.

"It's so hard being so far away. It's so hard not being able to be there. I'm so used to talking to Lee at work everyday one way or another. She's been taking time off for so long now, I barely know what is going on with her. I feel like I can't be a good friend to her. I can't be a good mother. I can't be a good acting CEO."

"Hey, hey. Where is this all coming from?" Alex asks concerned.

"Sorry, sorry. This is so - petty - compared to what you guys are dealing with."

"None of that now," Alex says firmly. "We are all going through things, and no one can compare it to each other. So, talk to me."

"Baby girl, since when do you get so firm?" Sam tries to sound flirty and unbothered. She isn't successful.

"Since my girlfriend is talking so badly about herself. We need to talk about this, babe. What's going on?"

"I- I'm sorry, Alex. I have a meeting in ten, and I- I can't show up looking like I cried..."

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