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Chloe: „What should we do now??", she started panicking.
You: „Calm down, it's okay. I'm going downstairs and you two will stay in the room. Minho you will stay by the window if he does something, shoot.", i said and gave him his gun.
He nodded and i went out.

You: „Alright asshole where are my friends?"
Woojin: „Oh wow nice to see you too.", he said sarcastically.
You: „I asked you a question.", i said sternly.
He chuckled.
Woojin: „I don't know."
I stared at him emotionless and he stared back.
You: „One last time. Where are my friends?"
Woojin: „I told you, i don't know."
I groaned.
You: „Cut this bullshit."
He scoffed.
Woojin: „I could say the same thing."
You: „The fuck do you mean?"
I stepped closer.
Woojin: „What's your plan?"


Chloe: „Are they doing something?? What is happening??"
Me: „Can you shut up. I'm trying to focus. Don't worry nothing is happening yet or i would have reacted."
Chloe: „Sorry sorry. I'm just worried okay! The last time these two were alone, ended with both of them covered with bruises."
Me: „Yeah yeah.", i said focusing on y/n.
She stepped closer to him.
Me: „What the hell is she doing?", i quietly said.
Chloe: „What?"
She carefully came to my side.


You: „And what the fuck are you doing here then?"
Woojin: „Well we didn't really talked the last time and i think you have a lot of explaining to do hm?"
You: „I don't have to explain anything, especially not to you."
Woojin: „Hmm yes you do."
You: „Get the fuck away from here and leave us alone!"
Woojin: „Alright but we're not done yet, honey."
He left and i angrily went back inside.

Minho: „What happened out there?"
You: „Well i asked about our friends."
Chloe: „And?", she asked worriedly.
You: „He said he doesn't know where they are."
She started tearing up.
Chloe: „Oh my god. What if something really bad happened to them!? What if they...aren't alive anymore..."
Minho and me looked at each other and she continued talking.
Chloe: „I don't want to lose them. Rouze..."
I gulped when i heard her name.
I couldn't lose them either, especially her.
She was like a little sister to me, i practically raised her.

I sighed.
You: „Don't worry little one..."
She looked at me with her teary eyes.
You: „We will find them."
I smiled at her to show her that everything will be fine.


Minho and me were sitting on the couch in the living room, while Chloe was sleeping in Minho's room.
We were discussing what we should do, but we couldn't think of anything.
You: „Ugh they have to be somewhere!"
I was so frustrated and i could tell he was too by the look on his face.
Minho: „But where??"
You: „I can't even think straight. I always had a plan but now ... i don't even have ONE idea of what we could do."
I could feel myself tearing up but i blinked them away.
Minho: „How about we search in their room for informations?"
You: „Do you think this will help?"
Minho: „Well it's better than nothing."
You: „Alright."
We made our way upstairs.

You: „I will go to the girls room and you're doing the boys room, when you find something call me and i'll do the same."
He nodded and we went into the first rooms.

I was in Rouze's room and looked around.
You: „Everything is normal."
I checked the bathroom and the closet
When i wanted to leave again i looked under her bed just case and found a little box.
I opened it and gasped.
There were pictures of me and her in there and a letter.
I took the letter and opened the envelope.
You: „Shit..."
I read it.

" So Rouze when i die, please hold in your cry. Just know that when i'm gone, i'll always be right by your side. And although when i leave, i know that we don't speak. I'm sorry that i failed you, but you mean the world to me. I lost my sight. I still can't see all the places, where there might be light. I used to stare at the mirror, now i don't. Cause when i do i see a ghost. I'm tryna be better, but i feel under the weather. You deserve better than me...
~ y/n "

I didn't realised that my tears were already falling.
Minho: „Hey y/n did you find some-"
He stopped mid sentence when he saw me crying and ran to me.
Minho: „Hey hey what's wrong??"
I looked at him.
You: „S-she saw it..."
Minho: „Who? Saw what?"
I gave him the letter and he read it.
Minho: „y/n..."
You: „This was a long time ago. I was stressed, i had depression. I wanted to end it all. But i couldn't. I thought about my friends, knowing they needed me was a reason for me to stay. But one day i was at my lowest. I cried, i hurt myself, i decided to end it all this time and wrote this letter to her."
He didn't say anything and just listened while caressing my back.
You: „Jisoo stopped me. Before i could pull the trigger she found me. I never really wanted to talk about my problems but she looked at me disappointed and said that everyone would be broken if i would leave them like that, so i broke down and told her how i felt. Looks like i forgot to hide the letter from rouze and she keeped it..."
Minho: „I'm so sorry, princess."
I weakly smiled at him.
You: „It's okay. It's the past."
He hugged me and i hugged him back.
You: „Let's search in the other rooms too."
He nodded.


You: „Nothing! We really found nothing!"
I was losing hope.
Minho: „This is frustrating as fuck."
I sighed.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door.
Minho grabbed me and hid me behind him.
You: „Yah! I can protect myself you know."
He shushed me and i scoffed.

We slowly walked over to the door and a piece of paper slipped out from under the door.
Minho grabbed the paper and read it out loud.
Minho: „If you want your friends back, come to XXXXX alone or your little friends are dead."
We heard someone gasped behind us and turned around.
You: „Chloe-"
Minho: „Why aren't you upstairs??"
Chloe: „I was scared to be all alone and i couldn't sleep."
You: „Come here."
I hugged her and gave her a kiss on the forehead.
You: „We're here and we'll protect you okay. Everything is going to be fine. We'll bring our friends back."
Chloe: „Promise?"

You: „Promise."


date: 21 / 11 / 2021

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