Cold Fingers and Warm Lips

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The season for cold weather had finally arrived. A chill ran down your spine as you sat on your couch with a blanket draped over your shoulders, a mug of hot chocolate cradled in your palms. The recent snowfall had brought a peaceful silence to your home, so you were taking the time to enjoy that peace all snuggled up on your couch over the weekend. You sipped from your mug and the hot liquid warmed you, finding yourself at peace with the moment. All was quiet... At least, it was for a moment or two.

A loud thump from outside scared you half to death, the sound coming from your front door. It almost sounded like it came from your roof too, which actually ruled out what the sound could be. Putting your mug down on the side table you got up and went to your door, peeking through the peephole and groaning when a familiar figure rose up into its line of sight. You knew that body all too well, and you no longer hesitated to open your door.

"Choso?!" You questioned once you swung your door open.

"Yo." He greeted nonchalantly.

"Oh my god- did you fall off of my roof?" You asked, snorting a bit."

"I did, yeah. It's a bit icy." Choso nodded as if nothing he had done was odd.

You sighed and shook your head, reaching out to frantically brush the large amount of snow out of his hair and robes. He had really gotten himself covered in it when he fell, more snow sure to be hiding in the deeper folds of fabric.

"My god you are covered in snow. C'mere and warm up." You huffed, tugging him into your home.

He followed you into your warm foyer, the chill thankfully being sealed out once you shut your door. You flicked away any more visible bits of snow in his hair and in the creases of his clothes, but the inevitable dampness of already melting snow couldn't be avoided unfortunately. You sighed and brought him over to your couch and sat him down, taking the blanket that was originally around your shoulders and draping it over his. He was quite calm and unbothered for someone who just fell off of your roof into a pile of snow, but you could tell he appreciated the warmth the blanket brought when his shoulders relaxed. You were relieved to help at least a little.

"Geez... So, why are you here? It's pretty late in the evening." you asked, sitting down next to him.

"Mmm... I just missed you." He answered softly.

You blinked and your expression softened, a tiny smile tugging at your lips. "Awe, really? I thought got sure you'd be missing Yuji more right now~"

He shook his head a little. "I do, but... I miss you more."

"And so you ran all the way here in the snow and cold. Geez, you curses are an odd sort." You chuckled.

"Odd?" He questioned, tilting his head.

"Yes. Odd and kind." You smiled, reaching for one of his hands.

You pause once your hand touches his. Looking down you feel his chilled skin and notice how red his fingertips are. A noise of dissatisfaction came from you as you held his hand a little longer hoping to draw away the cold from his skin before you rose from the couch and let go.

"Wait here for a minute. Your fingers are cold and as red as your lips." You scolded.

Choso slowly nodded and watched you pace into the kitchen, holding his hand to his chest. In the kitchen you grabbed a second mug and made another hot chocolate using the boiled water from when you made yours. It took no time at all and you paced back over to him with extended hands, offering him the cozy beverage.

When he took the mug tentatively in his hands he hummed, the warmth of the mug soothing his admittedly cold digits. He held it close to his face, the steam warming his cheeks.

"Thank you." He said.

"Drink. You look dreadfully cold." You encouraged as you sat back down.

"I think I'm just pale." He huffed.

Both of you laughed a little and then he took a sip. The warm liquid spread its heat through his body with a sweet taste. You could practically see the warmth returning to him and smiled.

"Is it good?" You asked.

He nodded. "It is. This is why I keep coming here." He sighed sweetly.

"Oh? Is that so?" You hummed.

"Yeah. You're nice, and sweet... and always kind too. I feel good when I'm around you." He replied in a soft voice.

"Mmm, I guess I could say the same about you, Mr. Cursed Womb." You chuckled.

You gently brushed some of the still damp strands of hair out of his face and he let you do so without moving. The feeling of your fingers soothed him, and he eventually leaned into your touch a little while staring at your lips. You noticed where he was looking and huffed, letting your hand linger on his cheek while a blush started to rise on your own. He shifted a little closer to you, a cheeky little smile having made its way onto his face as he slowly set his mug down on the table next to yours.

"Whatcha lookin' at, hmm?" You provoked.

"You." He answered without flinching, shifting a little more.

"And? Liking what you see?"

"Mhmm. I see someone pretty, kind... and with pink lips." He mumbled, getting closer with each word until your lips finally touched.

His lips were warm and sweet from the hot chocolate, the flavour having lingered from his previous sip. Your eyes fluttered closed as you leaned into him, returning the gesture with a tender kiss of your own. He had fully nestled his cheek into your hand, to which you responded to with a gentle sweep of your thumb across his pink tinted skin. You lingered like that for a moment before you slowly parted, gazing absentmindedly at each other for a moment. Choso almost looked like he was processing something, and then he smiled.

"What?" You said with a giggle.

"I think I love you. Is that okay, my little sorcerer?" He asked, voice barely above a whisper.

"Well, considering how often you've fallen on my doorstep; yeah, it is. I think I love you too, Choso." You huffed, watching a smile and blush begin to bloom on the man's face.

"I knew coming tonight would be a good idea." He hummed.

"It was. But maybe try not to fall off my roof now that the snow is here." You suggested.

"That method seems to get me hot chocolate and kisses though, so I may stick with it." He chuckled.

Just mentioning the hot chocolate made him remember, and he glanced over at the table. Steam no longer rose from your cup or his. It was surely still warm, but you had been flirty for so long that it had cooled.

"Speaking of, maybe we should finish those before they are completely cooled." He noted.

"And whose fault is that?" You laughed.

"Oops~" He said nonchalantly with a playful smile.

Both of you took your cups back into your hands while laughing, returning to that beautiful silence that the season brought. You sipped your thankfully still warm beverages and enjoyed the quiet evening, the blanket now around both your shoulders and his, snuggled up together with the warmth you shared.

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