What is This Feeling

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He just didn't fully understand it. What on earth was this feeling coursing through his body? A hundred and fifty years and this was something he just couldn't quite grasp. It had a sense of familiarity, but it wasn't the same as the closest feeling he could relate it to, which simply made him frustrated beyond belief.

He paced absentmindedly along the sidewalk alone in an empty alley, trying to pinpoint what this feeling was. It felt like admiration, but it was too strong to be just that. It also felt like care, but not the same kind of care he had for his brothers. It was bubbly, lighthearted, and made his skin tingle. The strange part, he only felt all these weird sensations when he thought about you. It was you that made his heart flutter, that brought forth an intense sense of admiration, that gave him this strange feeling he couldn't put his finger on. Since you were the cause, maybe you could also be the solution.

He texted you to come talk to him and dropped his location, saying that it was important and only you would know the answer to his problem. You texted back quite quickly, intrigued by his request. Choso always had something unique to say or do, so the fact that he was insisting that you were the only one who could help him with this undescribed problem caught your attention. You'd be there in ten minutes. His location was never far from where you were, conveniently.

He waited for you, sitting himself down atop a tall parking block and leaning back against the concrete wall behind him. He still tried his best to decipher the feeling while he waited for you, but it was hard to do when it was getting more intense. The thought of you made it flare up stronger, and when he finally heard your footsteps coming down the alley after that ten minutes had passed, it got even worse.

"Hey Choso! Why are you hiding out in an alley?" You asked cheerfully, jogging up to him.

Just seeing you was enough to make his heart jump into his throat.

"It's quieter back here. Besides, my question is a little... dumb, to put it bluntly." Choso spoke calmly over his wildly fluctuating emotions.

"Aw, there's no such thing as a stupid question really! C'mon, hit me with it! What's on your mind?" You encouraged, standing in front of him.

"Well... I have this strange feeling. I do not know what it is though. I was wondering if... you could help me identify what it is that I'm feeling." He explained in a much quieter voice.

"Hey, don't worry! I can help with that. Describe it to me!"

"Mmm..." He paused, figuring out how to put how he currently felt into words. "It's... giddy, happy, and bubbly. My heart won't stop beating so fast when I feel this feeling, but it can't be admiration. I don't feel like this when I'm around those I admire and respect, but around one person in particular... I just can't stop that weird fluttery feeling in my chest. It's driving me crazy a little..."

You took in his words and sighed, already knowing exactly what he was feeling. The poor guy had no idea, so you were happy to fill him in.

"Choso, that feeling is love. Not your average kind either. You're feeling genuine romantic love for someone." You explained. "That's kinda sweet, honestly~"

"Oh..." He mumbled, looking down. Choso knew what this kind of love was, but he had never felt it for himself. His cheeks tinted red, and he looked back up at you with further questions. "Does it... Does it ever go away?"

Now this was a unique question. You crossed your arms and tried to understand exactly what was going through the curse's mind. He looked genuinely concerned, as if he wasn't sure this was a feeling he wanted to feel. He'd never looked so vulnerable before, so you eased off your bubbly explanations and got down to earth with him.

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