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I tried to start the car as I press on the gas pedal little more the car started to move and in hesitation I tried not to continue to press on the gas. I peeped up and I was only a mile away, seems to be at a point or no return the car started to break down. I was at a loss of words. it seems to be when I am the happiest I soon become the saddest in a panic I tried to flag down the cars but it seems to be no progress. I seen no cars were going to pass by. It's like I was in the middle of nowhere I came closer to the car to see if I can fix the problem. It seem to be nothing wrong with the car.

"Someone save me please."
"God, it's Chancellor, save me from this situation please God."
As I looked do tear started to roll down my face. Night was soon coming and I was in the middle of nowhere with a bussed car. I grabbed the keys and sat in the car. I keep my emergency lights on in hope someone with goodwill will stop for me. I pray there's hope for a nigga like me.

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