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I drove at lighting speed to Walmart, I got out the car slamming the door I rushed to the med supply aisle. I grabbed the first aid kit, I ran to the cashier slamming a 20 in their hand, before they could hand me back my change. Running and dogging people just to get to my car. I slipped on my gloves and tried to find where the blood was coming from. I saw the gash from his arm, blood was fall off his muscular toned arm like rain drops. I grabbed the needle and started to sew. As soon as I was done, I shook him a few time saying he's name.


"Chance wake up?!?!"

He started to wake up he was confused.

"Cutie why?"

"Why what Chance?"

"Why did you do this to me?"

"Whatcha mean? You mean why did I save you?"

"No! Df why did you try to kill me you crazy ass bitch."

I started to have flashbacks of little parts that happened. What I thought happen wasn't true. All of these feeling of jealousy and hatred started to come to place. "AHHHHHHHHHH!" I yell for what I did not know. Chance looked at me strangely. It's been silence for the more part besides that horrific yell. He realized that he was regaining his strength and tried to escape.

"Your not going to be getting out from this car."

His facial expression told me that he thought different.

"All the doors are child lock so good luck."

I hopped out the back to the driver side.

"You ready?"

"For what?" he said pledging

"We're finally gonna chill like you said."

Chasing ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now