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im so sorry for not uploading ive been going through alot ! i hopw you enjoy th esecond chapter! im uploading assoon as i can!

stings pov:

I could hear Rogue shout my name so i decided to ignore him and carry on kissing blondie. Man her lips were amazing. I then parted from the kiss and started to kiss her neck and i could see that she was enjoying it. I then decided to kiss her again but my body didnt do it insted i bit her and sucked some of her blood out! I MARKED HER!?. She then fell to the ground.
She was unconsious.

lucys pov:

sting bit me? omg i dont feel well ... i can see anything

Rogues pov:
I knew sting would ignore me but then somet weird happened the blond girl fell to the ground he didn't... did he ...he wouldn't of deared to. I see blood he did HE MARKED LUCY!

I ran towards them and made sting carry lucy to my and his apartment he did as i told him but when we got there it turned out that the was 1 single bed and one doubble bed. And I'm not up for sharing beds. I was going to tell sting that he was going to sleep with lucy but when i turned around sting was asleep with Lucy in his arms on the double bed so i dicided to leave them and go to sleep.

~the next day~

Stings pov:

I wake up and i feel someone in my arms and its blondie but why is she here? anyway i need a shower i smell like beer, i get undressed and i knew i forgot somet. My clothes, im fine with Rogue seeing me its not the first time hes seen me naked i get drunk alot and do stupid things but i dont want blondie to see me but shes asleep it should be fine so i walk out not noticing that blondie is awake but when i finaly found my clothes i turn around and i see blondie staring at me. She froze she isn't moving, is she even breathing?
I ran to the bath room and took a long and relaxing shower when i turn the shower off i hear Rogue talking to blondie and all i heard was mate mark and then i heard blondie shout "why me WHY?" i ran out the bath room to see blondie standing infront of a long mirror and shes looking at her neck i walked up to her and lifted up her hair to see what had happened and guess what MARKED HER! I saw that she was worried I felt really bad. Something in me sad that it's not real i needed to know if it was real or not so i touched it and all i saw was blondie drop to her knees and she squealed, I'm guessing I caused her pain. Well done me.

lucys pov:

After i dropped to my knees i would of thought sting would leave me on the ground but he didnt he helped me up and hugged me not to tight and then he said
"blondie arnt you suppose to be at fairy tail right now?"
At first I was very confused of why he changed the topic but i looked at the time and it was 2:30 so i quickly grabbed my stuff and then sting asked if he could come so i said sure because I was in a rush.
Me and sting start head towards fairy tail and on the way sting tells me not to tell anyone about anything. I didn't really understand so I just said ok then when we were close to the guild sting said
"blondie ill meet you at the near by park at 6 k?"
I smiled and ran to the guild as soon as i walk in Garjeel sees me and draggs me out side and asks
"why do you smell like sting from saiber?"
then he try's to pick up my hair but i hit is hand away. I walk away yet inside im so scared that he will hurt me if he found out. I hear someone call my name and it's Natsu damn it, natsu has the same ability of smelling things as Gajeel! Natsu runs up to me and says......

sting + lucy foreverWhere stories live. Discover now