𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝟐

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"Your slate and books are on the table, lunch is on the counter" she ran around frantically before coming over to me and placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Have a great day!" She beamed

"I'll try" I plastered a smile on my face before waving a quick goodbye and walking out of the front door.

"Frances! I was worried you would forget to walk with me!" Diana called as I walked towards where she stood -by the large oak tree between our houses-

"How could I forget? you are the only friend I have In this small town" I replied with a small smile

She smiled back and looped her arm around mine as she did yesterday. We walked through the dark woods opposite our houses until the trees began to thin out and the muddy floor of the forest turned into the dry floor of a cornfield, we walked for a few minutes in the feild until an opening in one of the hedges revealed the white schoolhouse, it had a bell tower, making it look rather like a church.

We hung our coats and hats in the cloakroom before putting out bottles of milk in the stream to keep them cool.

"I can't wait to show you around, it truly isn't as dreadful as it sounds, promise." She told me as we walked up the wooden steps to the schoolhouse.

As we opened the doors we where greeted by a great deal of noise coming from the chatting and energetic students around my age.

"You can sit with me, ruby won't mind, I think Jane and ruby may sit together now that prissy is studying for her queens academy entrance exams and needs to sit with the older student" she told me as we walked towards a vacant table.

"Who?" I asked, rather scared that I already had so much to learn.

She let out a small laugh "cmon, place your things here" she said gesturing towards the table I assumed we would sit at. I placed my slate and books on the table and turned around as I saw two boys approaching us.

"I'm moody, and this is Charlie" spoke the rather chubby boy on the left.

"Pleasure to meet you" I spoke, without offering them my hand.

"Don't talk to the boys" she turned to face me, she raised her voice slightly. "They're ridiculous."

The boys laughed to themselves and walked away to join the rest of the boys.

"All except Gilbert Blythe." She spoke in a Quiet whisper." He's dreamy, but he won't be here today."

Four girls stepped towards me and Diana.

"This is Jane andrews and Josie pie and ruby gillies and Tilly bolter, everybody, this is Frances Delacour." Spoke Diana, it felt nice that she was speaking for me and taking the pressure off me.

"Hello Frances" spoke a girl with wavy brown hair, she seems nice.

"Hello" spoke another girl, she was blonde, had freckles and had a certain innocence about her.

"Nice to meet you" spoke the third girl, she had a slight chubby-ness to her and a kind, round face.

The forth girl didn't speak, she must be the "feisty" one Diana spoke of.

"It's lovely to meet you all, i hope that we can be good friends." I replied, my voice shaky.

"Frances lives next door to me, she just moved here from a small town in the country, she tells me she likes to read"

"I like to read too" spoke the girl with the round face, looking giddy.

The short blonde girl turned to her confused.

"No you don't"

"No I don't..."

"I saw you outside of Diana's house yesterday when I was passing by, I'm sorry I should of said hello." Spoke the girl with wavy brown hair.

"Don't worry about it, I'm sure you had business to attend to elsewhere" I replied

"You came here because your uncle died didn't you?" Spoke the tall blonde girl, the feisty one.

"Excuse me?" I replied, shocked at how vile she was.

"I saw his obituary in the newspaper a few weeks ago, well, more of a fine print I suppose."

"Prissy!" Snapped Diana.

"Goodness, I'd hate to loose my uncle." Spoke the girl with the round face

"I feel real sorry for you Frances" spoke the short blonde one.

The feisty girl looked displeased, as if everybody was against her, which they where.

I smiled at their kindness, at least the three other girls where kind.

Prissy Walked off in a huff.

"Don't mind her, sometimes she doesn't know how to communicate, she can be a real handful sometimes" spoke the girl Diana called Jane.

I looked around the room, my eyes briefly passed the group of boys huddled in the corner of the room.

"Never let the boys know when they have upset you"Spoke Tilly, the one with the round face.

"Never let them know when you like them either" spoke ruby, the innocent one.

"goodness, school is allot to handle." I said

"Don't worry, after a short while you get the hang of it, it becomes allot more fun then" spoke Jane.

The school bell rang loudly, The girls took their seats and Diana and I sat at our table.


"So... how was school?" Asked aunt Stacy from behind the kitchen counter, as I sat at the dining table with a cup of hot chocolate.

"Good." I picked up the mug and swirled it around in my hand.

"Make any new friends?" She asked whilst wiping the counter with a rag.

"A few. But there's this one girl, prissy, she is horrid." I put the mug back down quickly, though not quick enough to shatter it.

"Well, if you want a rainbow you have to put up with the rain" she walked over to me from behind the counter and placed a small kiss on my forehead.

"Im going into Charlottetown today to buy some things, you are welcome to come"

"No it's alright, I have homework to do." I smiled up at her.

"Very well, do you want me to bring you anything back?"

"Some flowers please, I would like to see how long I can go before I forget to water them." I told her.

"Alright, any preference?" She asked

"Diana told me her favourite kind, I believe she called them..." I paused, looking around the room trying to remember the name.


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