Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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It was a surprisingly calm day on Berk today, unlike the usual chaos that goes on. I look down towards the sea, the crashing waves keeping me calm. I'm still debating with myself whether I should tell them or not. I'm gonna have to say something sooner or later though, aren't I. I can't keep it a secret much more.
You're probably thinking what the hell I'm going on about.
Well, you see, when I was born, I was born with this rare mark on my left shoulder blade. You are probably thinking, 'Can't be that bad.' Well, I was born with the mark of the strike class. The mark of the dragon that is the unholy offspring of lightning and death itself.
I was born with the mark of a Night Fury.
But you see, that was when we were fighting dragons, that was what caused the problem back at my home, the thing that made me an outcast. I should get over it, but I still can't get over the fact that I was born with it. Lately I have been feeling a little more different than usual, and that's saying something for me. I sigh and look up at the setting sun. "I will tell them tomorrow." I tell myself as I head up to The Great Hall. By the time I reach The Great Hall, I instantly walk into a chorus of 'Hellos' and 'Hi (Y/N)'s'. I reply with a simple wave and a hi back before making my way over to the table holding my friends, sitting myself down with a plate of food. "(Y/N)," Astrid looked at me and said, sarcastically. "Where have you been all day young lady?"
"Yeah, you weren't at the academy." Tuffnut said with a mouthful of chicken.
"I was just out flying with (D/N), can I not do that anymore?" Astrid just smiled at me.
"No, we just thought you had gone to stalk you know who."
"Okay, seriously guys, why are you still going on about this?"
"Why wouldn't we." Ruffnut said, laughing slightly. I smiled at her before before looking back at Astrid.
"Where is Hiccup anyway?"
"He's gone on his usual flying trips, probably won't be back until tomorrow." I nod before tucking into my own food before I start to starve to death. I'm about halfway through my dinner when a clap of thunder rings out throughout The Great Hall, causing silence to ring throughout. Storms on Berk are just bloody awful. I swallow my mouthful when Stoicks voice is heard through the hall. "Okay everyone, start heading back to your home before you get stuck in here for the night." I sigh, realising I'm gonna have to go home and search the cupboards for something to eat. I stand up, along with the others and head outside. "See you tomorrow (Y/N)." Astrid calls out before running off in the direction of her home, followed by the rest of the group.
"See you tomorrow guys." I wave her goodbye before heading towards my home, entering and making sure the door is shut tight. I turn my back to the door to face my living room/lounge and let out a sigh. "(D/N), I'm home." I call out only to be pinned to the floor by my Night Fury, (D/N). She slobbers all over my face, happy to see me again. "Okay, okay, get of me ya big lump." She obeys the command and gets of me so I can get up. Once standing, I head over to the fireplace and light it, feeling grateful for the sudden warmth, warming the freezing cold house. I then head up stairs and get dressed in a pair of pjs. When I say pjs, I mean an old top that no longer fits me properly and is a bit ripped and tattered. I head back downstairs to the living room/lounge and back to the warmth of the fire, sitting down with (D/N) curling around me. I smile and rub below her neck and she starts purring like mad. I smile and stare into the fire, forgetting my hunger.


It's been a few hours since I arrived home and must be at least two thirty in the morning. The storm has picked up quite a bit and I haven't slept a wink. Storms have always scared me, ever since I was a little girl, and I have no idea why I'm so terrified of them. (D/N) is happily curled up on the floor and is purring in her sleep. Sometimes i wonder how she can just sleep through things like this. I start to consider sleep for myself when there is a huge crash of lightning, illuminating the living room/lounge. I jump from where I was sitting and scramble for (D/N) who lifts her head towards me and simply does a what-the-hell-are-you-doing stare at me. I hit her playfully and smile myself. "Don't laugh, it's not my fault I'm afraid of storms." She says nothing before shaking her head and going back to sleep. I laugh at her "enthusiasm" for me and stand up just to wander about to calm myself.  Whilst on my little walk, I pass my window so I take a quick glance outside.
Yep, proper Berk storms, I think to myself. I make my way up the stairs and into my bedroom before closing the door and heading towards the bed. I pick a book from my bookshelf and I sit down, pulling the covers over me and lay the book down in front of me. It's nothing special, just a book on dragons. No, it's not the "Book of Dragons" because Hiccup has that at his house. This book in particular just has drawing of the many dragons I have come across, and the odd fact written down. I flick through the pages, smiling at all the rough sketches Hiccup and I have drawn. I hope Hiccup is okay, I think to myself. After a long period of time, I decide to close the book and place it on the floor beside my bed before laying down and staring at the ceiling. I would never get to sleep while the storm is on. There is another crash of lightning causing me to squeal and stick my head under the covers. I feel so pathetic sometimes. I lay there in silence just listening to the wind and rain before gradually falling into a deep sleep.
I was defiantly going to be extremely tired tomorrow.


WOO, first story. Took ages. Sorry about the lack of romance but you just need to give it time. So hope you enjoyed, I'll update as often as I can but I am doing my GCSEs so I might struggle a little but, but I will try and update as much as possible. Hope you liked the first chapter.

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