saving the world (pov: Jasion)

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I feel trapped here. There is no way out, nothing to do and I feel like the piano is pulling me in, begging me to play it. I walked closer to It, I stared at it for a minute fitting the urge to play it. I walked closer to It, I stared at it for a minute fighting the urge to play it. Then right before I put my hand on it, I heard the door open, I ran behind the door with a pole I found. I waited for someone to come through it. "Hello, Jasion where are you?" It sounded like Scarlet, I stepped out from behind the door to see if it was really her.When I looked I saw her and Leo and someone else that I didn't know that well.
"Guys, what are you doing here?" I asked them. They turned around freely because they were not expecting me to be right there. Scarlet walked up to me and hug me then she handed me a piece of paper with music notes on them
"These are the notes you need to play to save the world." she told me. Me? save the world? but I can't save the world, I'm just a teenager.
"You might want to hurry up, a mob is coming right this way." Felix told us. I ran to the piano, sat down and began to play. I felt something strange. The room was glowing, music notes floating every time I played. then we can hear the mob grow louder,

"Keep playing due we'll stall them." Leo yelled out. I keep playing but I hit something and the room tread red. I looked at the paper and one of the notes was cores out I don't know what to do." Scarlet ran over to look at the paper. She looked at it for a minute, her eyes widened.
"It's E-flat, but even if you get the song completely right the world will still end." she said. what did she mean by that, she can't be right they work so hard to get here and it's all for nothing. the tower shook even more, the walls began to break apart. One of the walls came off and the sky was red like blood, people were panicking.
"Oh no, this is exactly what I saw, we need to get out of here, NOW!" Scarlet said. But we can't because everyone is in danger and we can't just leave them. I ran to the edge to look down and think of what to do. Then I realized something about the piano notes, they weren't just for the piano there had to be a singer. I ran back to scarlet and told her and Leo they had to sing the song.

"sing? But what do we even sing?" Leo asked. I looked at the other page of the notes and there were lyrics on them, so I handed it to them and went back to the piano. I held up my hand and counted down from three and started playing. The sky went less red, the ground stopped shaking but then I got to the part where the note was crossed out and I forgot what she said it was. I know it was a flat but I don't know which flat it was so I hit D-Flat and... The tower started to fall.

"What key did you hit?" Leo yelled out. I told him D-Flat and Scarlet look mad but the tower leaned closer on the ground but before it did I quickly hit the E-Flat key. The tower hit the ground thinking It crushed us. I could see the light but It was not the light I thought it was. Someone dug me out of the rubble.

"Hello sir, are you okay?" I could barely see, everything was a blur"Did we do it, did we save the world?'' The guy looked confused but I think he just thought I hit my head really hard. I realized were I was and I asked,

"Were Scarlet or Leo, and Felix?" They pointed at the ambulances where they were. I ran as fast as I could considering my leg was crushed when the tower fell but I did not let that stop me. 

"Jasion your okay!" Leo said. Well even though I was okay I still was hurting from the fall but I will survive. I asked if they were all okay, they told me that they would be fine. 

"By the way what did you mean when you felt trapped?" Leo asked Felix. He looked away for a moment thinking of what to say.

"My dad doesn't want me to date a guy even though I want to and I hide in my room so I don't have to see him."   I know why he's always so quiet, he doesn't want people to know because he might get in trouble.

"And I'm going to move to Brookhaven right outside of New York  so I don't have to see my dad and my cousin live there too."  At least he wouldn't be alone there. I rode to the hospital with them because we all had to get casted from the fall. When we got there the doctor told us that we were lucky that we only broke some bones because a fall like that would have killed us and we were very surprised that we didn't die. After a while our parents came in and said stuff like they were worried sick but Scarlet's mom was yelling at her for helping and leaving the house without permission, and so on. I sat up  and told her mom, 

"She is an amazing person for helping me and the whole world because if she wasn't here to help me we would all be dead!"  she looked at me with a shock, she probably thought that I was lying even though I wasn't. she look at Scarlet and asked,

"Is this true young lady?" Scarlet nodded and showed her all the proof she still had from all of this. Her mom apologized for yelling and when she walked out the king walked in.

"What are you doing here?" Leo asked. the king held up a piece of paper with music notes on it. I was confused on why he had it, we already did all of this and we did it... right.

"your job is not done yet  this was all a test." A TEST! Is he serious, he has to be joking we didn't almost die for nothing. we All looked at scarlet. We thought she said that something bad would happen. Unless the bad thing is later on and she went too far in the future to know what was going on.

"What are you talking about? you were acting so serious about all this like this was all real.'' Scarlet asked him. He was acting like this was for real but if he's on our side then how is the bad guy there has to be someone or something that we have been chosen to be a part of this.

"This was a test to see if your friends would help you and to see if you are actually saving London and the world from what is about to come.” I hope whatever is about to come won't be so dangerous.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2022 ⏰

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