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"Ace,wake up." A concerned voice said
" 'mm,hmm?" Ace mumbled and threw the pillow over his head.
She sighed,"Sama,Ace-chan. Wake up!"
He gripped the pillow when he recognized her voice,Demonica. A girl he would protect with his own life,a little sister.
"D-Dont call me that"
He closed his eyes for a minute,and thought..
He snapped his eyes open and jolted up.
"How are you in my house?!"
He asked a little harshly,His heart sped up.
She jumped at his tone of voice,
"T-The door w-was open"
She sat back and looked down.
"I'm sorry... I got worried"
There was a silent pause.
Aces' eyes softened and sighed
"I'm sorry Demonica"
​ He watched to see if her expression would change,but it was hard to tell. He couldn't see her face or her eyes as her black hair was falling down in her face.
"it's alright" she said quietly.
"I should go"
as she got up and turned to walk out,Ace grabbed her hand.
"but.. Your okay?" He asked as he bent over to see her face.
"yeah" she replied
He let out a sigh,"okay,good."
He let go of her hand.
"Don't come here again without me knowing,alright?"
She looked at him,"yeah,but why?"
"Just don't." He replied,He slightly glared at her,showing he was serious.
She was quiet for a moment then nodded,
He got up and hugged her gently,
"Don't be you were just worried."
She replied to his hug.
"Thanks" he said as he stepped back.
She blinked at him,"what for?"
"everything" he smiles and nodded toward the door.
"go back to school,I'll walk you out"
"Yay!" She stretched her arms out and giggled.
He smiled,hooking her arm around his and lead her downstairs.
He looked around them as he walked her to the door.
"Are you sure you're okay?" She asked as he lead her out the door.
He nodded,"yes." He replied as he looked behind him,He turned to face her.
"Be careful and have a good day at school."
She smiled at him,"I'll try I hope to see you later."
He smiled,"Same Demonica,Farewell."
He shut the door as he turned to lean against it,He sighed.He placed his hands over his eyes into his hair.
"She looks interesting,Who is she?" A male voice asked.
Ace growled deep in his chest,"shut it Mānuel"
Ace heard him chuckled as he walked over the couch and layed down,slinging his arm over his eyes.
"go back to sleep." He mumbled quietly
He heard rustling,signaling that he went back to his room. His eyelids shifted close. The shadows of darkness behind his eyelids,made him slip off into deep sleep once more...

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