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Demonica stood still on aces' patio.
She thought over everything.that had just happens. She shrugged and began walking to school.
She pulled her hood up to cover her eyes.
She passed the gate into the front yard of Ourams' high. She sighed as she walked. She went through the school doors to her locker. Everyone seemed to turn and stare at her.
She clutched her hands tightly as she walked faster to her locker.
She put in her combination,trying to keep her shaking under control. She sighed in relief as it snapped open with ease.
She began packing books into her backpack as someone came behind her and slammed her locker door closed,hard.
Demonica jumped,and looked down.
"What are you doing slut?"
A female named Abigail asked.
She was the most popular girl. With pout lips,jet black hair and a slim figure.She always had up-to-date fashion. Everyone adored her,wanted to be her. For some reason she targeted Demonica.
"My locker,what does it look like?"
She growled out at Abigail,which earned a slap across Demonicas' face.
Demonica whimpered.
"Bitch! Stay away from Ace,He is mine!Go back to hell!" She hissed.
Oh yeah... That's why she hates me..
Abigail flipped her hair over her shoulder as she walked away,her pósse following close behind.
Demonica shook,
"You can't do or say anything that I haven't done to myself."
She whispered.
She blinked her tears back and smiled. She pulled her backpack over her shoulders and walked to class. When she looked up,people were looking away,Disgusting..
When she went to sit in the back of the class for 1st period,she waved at a couple of her classmates that didn't treat her as badly.
To her surprise,they waved back. When it came right to it,If Abigail came to hurt her they would be like the rest. Be quiet,turn their heads,and act as if she didn't exist.
She must of dosed off because when her teacher was handing out homework,He slammed it on her desk,she was startled awake.
"Oh sorry, T-Thank you." She said.
He ignored her and went on to the next student.
The bell for 2nd period rang.
She bolted up and hurried off to class.She checked her watch.
Dang it! I forgot to ask if I can eat lunch with him..
I'll text him later
She took a deep breath,entering class. This was one of the classes she
had Abigail in.
She quietly sat down in her usual seat,farthest way from Abigails' table,in the back.
Demonica layed her head down.
"Please ignore me??"
She said to herself.
Her dream must have come true,2nd period went on peacefully.
The bell for 3rd period rung.
As Demonica got up to leave,so did Abigail.She waved off her pósse and began walking towards Demonica. Her heart sped up,she looked around for the teacher.
"Damn it!" She mumbled.
She standed still as Abigail approached.
"What do you want?" Demonica asked with all her remaining strength in her words.
"I want you died."Abigail shoved Demonica,making her fall over her desk chair on to the floor. Demonica grabbed her side as tears over flooded her eyes,she didn't dare let them fall.
"W-why??" She sounded scared,
Well she was terrified actually.
Abigail pulled her up by her throat and slammed her against the book shelf.
Demonica winced at the throbbing pain in her side.
"Die emo." Abigail pulled a knife from her pocket. She held it above her head,ready to plunge it into Demonicas' throat.
Demonica closed her eyes tight,heart pounding in her ears. She prepared for the intense pain.
It never came,all she felt was the hand around her neck loosen and heard the knife clatter onto the floor. She swore she heard Abigail yelp,but she didn't dare open her eyes. She waited as she breathed heavily.
"Y-You!" She heard Abigail say,she squeaked "Stay away from me!"
She heard Abigail yell and her high heels clanking away.
Demonica stood there shaking,speechless about what happend.
"Hey,Love. You okay?"
Befor she could think,reply,open her eyes,or even think. Long arms wrapped around her and pulled her into a tight hug.
When she dared to open her eyes,her face was buried in black leather.
She blinked her tears back and looked up. A boy she didn't recognize smiled down at her.
"Are you alright?"
British accent,like Aces' But thicker.
She blinked,"Y-Yeah"
She managed to whisper.
She couldn't help but to stare in his Ice Blue eyes.
They looked so familiar to her.
She didn't mean to but,she began sobbing. She didn't think anything of it. He frowned and placed her head back on his chest.
"Shh love,the slut isn't worth it."
He rubbed her back gently.
"You're to pretty to cry."
She sniffles,
"you should look better at Abigail then.. if you think I'M pretty."
Her voice was muffled by his jacket.
"I like my women real,not plastic."
She laughed,she couldn't control it.
He smiled and chuckled softly with her.
She managed to stop laughing and wiped her face. She looked up at him,
"Who are you anyway?"
It was if his Ice blue eyes could see straight through me,such a blank solid stare.
"My name is Alec,My love. Now who are you?"
Her eyes widened

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