How Does One Win in a Bloodbath?

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Jungkook and Jaci hurriedly followed Aydan down to the front of the house. Taehyung and Sunny were standing to either side of a large window, using the heavy drapes to hide themselves.

"It's a bloodbath down there," ground out Taehyung.

Jungkook and Jaci found their own window, looking out at the members of Zephyr's pack being decimated without hesitation on the part of the Hunters. Jaci gripped Jungkook's arm. She felt nauseated at what she saw below.

Jungkook sensed her unease and his hand found it's way over to hers, covering it with his own. "It's okay. I won't make you fight, nor will I let anyone else make you fight."

Jaci shook her head, tears rolling down her cheeks. "I won't hide. Our brothers and sisters are down there fighting. How can I ever call myself a true werewolf and not fight for our kind when they need it the most?"

"Master wanted us to let the pack take the brunt of the fight. They knew what they were getting into," said Aydan quietly as he watched the fight with narrowed eyes.

Jungkook sighed and stared out the window. "I won't standby much longer."

"Oh, so you have a death wish?" said Zephyr, meandering up behind the trio of wolves.

Jungkook's eyes flashed as his head jerked around to face Zephyr. "No more than those wolves do," he said.

Zephyr's eyebrows lifted and then lowered. "You would be surprised."

"I can't watch this any more," said Jungkook. He hurried over to the front door, gripping the handle. A cold hand suddenly landed in his hand causing him to look up and into the cold red eyes of his longtime friend.

"I won't let you sacrifice yourself for them. Zephyr is their Alpha. If anyone goes out there it should be him, not you."

It had been a long while since Taehyung had used this particular tone of voice on Jungkook and it gave him serious pause.

"I can't let them die, Hyung. They shouldn't be considered to be expendable."

"I agree. But Zephyr talked to us before you two lovebirds got out of bed. Those wolves are different, Jungkook." Taehyung glanced at Zephyr, silently asking him to explain.

Zephyr sighed softly and sat down on the bottom step of the large staircase. He leaned his elbows on his knees and stared at the floor.

"Those wolves out there are technically part of my pack, but they aren't part of my pack. They're part of my pack to simply say they have a home somewhere. But they are wolves who have lost everything to the Society. Their mates, their pups, their original packs. Most of them out there were pack Alphas at one time. The Society Hunters took away everything that meant something to them and they just never recovered. I gave them a place to lay their head, but I couldn't give them a place to lay their broken minds and devastated hearts. They choose to be in my guard because they know they will be the first ones to face the Hunters should we have to engage with them. We dignify and honor them by letting them die the way they chose. I would never just allow my pack to go up against a brick wall, Jungkook. I'm not that heartless."

Loud thumps were heard against the door and shouts and growls were becoming increasingly louder. Jungkook lo9d between the door and the pensive Alpha on the stairs. The way Zephyr described the wolves out fighting was the same way Jungkook would describe Hoseok at one point in time. Would he have let Hoseok do what those wolves were doing? Would he have fought to keep his pack brother around or let him find his vengeance?

Jungkook felt torn, and ever bang on the heavy wooden door brought more pain to his chest. Jaci stood next to him, trembling and yet when she looked at him with eyes that mirrored his grief, he knew that Zephyr was in the right.

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