The party( will be short)

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I was at the party kind of boring when I saw a girl I recognized, she had bleach blonde hair and was wearing a purple dress with like fuzz around it I don't know, when she came up to me and left the boy orange shirt and blue vest to do something. " My name is Pacifica. Pacifica Northwest. What's yours?" She said, she was a little snooty. She looked me up and down. I could tell she was jealous, but whatever. Maybe she was jealous of my outfit? I was wearing my white flow-y dress, short in front long in back, with gold stripes made of 24 carrot gold thread. "My name is Carmen." I said. She nodded waiting for more. " Carmen Coli." I said. "So, your that kid from Orlando." She said. " Yes." I say. Well I was from The UK and moved to Orlando but you know. "Well let me tell you something." She said." The guy that I've been hanging around with, don't try to flirt with him because I've tried to get him to like me ever since the beginning of summer, so just don't!" I was shocked that she said that. "Don't play dumb with me, I saw the way you were looking at him." She said. "I looked at him that way because the last time I was in this odd town I didn't see him and you never invite, what you call,'commoners." I said kind of raising my voice. "I.." She said until she was cut off by a ringing bell. Turned to the sound and I saw Mr.Northwest. Why would he do that to his daughter? Then I saw my own parents beckon towards me. I turned to Pacifica. "Lovely meeting you good day." And I went to my parents. " Honey..." My mom started. "" We have some news." Ok I'm cool with news. " We decided to move here.

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