The Mystery Shack

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I sat in my bedroom at my new house. Same furniture same everything but different location. Now I get to be next door neighbors with the Northwest Family. I got some research on their family and according to the blog/radio show: MaMa and The Hog, the real founder of Gravity Falls is the 8 1/2 U.S. President. Any way, I was so bored that I could just kill myself. "Carmen." My mom said from down stairs. I went down. "How about you go explore this little town. Here's some money in case you want to by something. See you soon, Hun. Your father and I are going to the Northwests. Good bye." She left. I looked at the money she left me. A stack of a hundred dollar bills. Why must she give me so much money. I went to the diner first. "Little Carmen. What can I do for my favorite little girl." My great aunt says. "Hi, Graunt Suzan." I got my food and left. I was walking in the woods and I found the Mystery Shack. I was holding my journal. I went in side of the gift shop. I wasn't wearing my contacts so I took my glasses out of my pocket and read a sign. 'No Refunds.' Ok I went inside. I was walking by some snow
globes . $200 each. I pulled out my stack of money. Then suddenly an old man was behind me. I was a little shocked by that. "Hello, I'm Stanford Pines, Mister Mystery! How may I help you." He said looking at my money. "I was here a couple years ago and some kid ran into me and lost this journal. I was wondering if you could help me find the owner." I said holding my journal. "Also you look more like a Stanley." I say. "Nope Stanl, I mean Stanford Pines forever. So what are you buying." He said. "Not buying anything." I said. Then a boy came over. "Hey, Grunkle Stan- " he stopped when he saw me. "Hey, you're the girl at the party." He says. "You're the boy talking to blondie at the party." I say. "I have a name." He says. "I do too." I say back. "Who's 'blondie'?" The old man said. "Pacific." He said. "Northwest?" Stan asked. The boy nodded. "My neighbors?" I said. "Ooooooo!" Said a girl walking in from and door that said Employees Only. "Dipper met a girl!" The boy gave her an evil glare. "Hello." I said. "And she's British! That's even cooler." She said. "I'm Carmen Coli." I say. "I'm Mabel Pines. And my brother, Dipper. Why did you come all the way from Great Britain." She asked. "I would tell you, but I'm not very found of him." I said gesturing to the annoying boy named Dipper. "Dipper? Nah, you'll learn to like him. Eventually." She said. "Fine then. Well I lived in the U.K. for seven years. I moved to Orlando Florida when I was seven. And I have lived there until a week ago." I say. "Any family here?" Mabel asked. "Yes, actually. My Great Aunt. Susan Wentworth." I say. "Lazy Susan?" Stan asks. "Beg your pardon?" I say. Who is Lazy Susan? "Does your Great Aunt run the Diner?" Dipper asks me. "Yes she dose." I say. "Grunkle Stan could you leave please?" Dipper asks his Great Uncle and Stan left. "Did she say anything about little bearded men?" He questioned. I looked confused. "Dipper, we can't give memories back to people with out them watching the video." Mabel says to her brother. "Maybe we can find a way?" He says flipping through a journal. "Wait a second. You have a rip off journal form this place too?" I say sorta laughing. He looks confused. I take out my journal. "This! Some kid lost it last time I was here. Isn't it full of junk from this place?" I look around for people to answer. No one dose. "Who dropped the journal?" Dipper asks. "Um.. Um..." I say trying to remember. I look around and see a note pad and pen. "Hey that's mine!" Dipper says. I have always been good at art so this was easy, I drew the person and showed it to Mabel and Dipper. They stared at it in shock. "We know who this is." Dipper says. Then at the same time they both say: "Gideon Gleeful."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2015 ⏰

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