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You woke up the next morning due to a finger poking you in the face. You flicked your eyes open many times and adjusted them to the light of the early morning shining through the creaked open windows in your room.

You noticed Inosuke with a giddy smile poking you in the face. He had his mask off, which you instantly blushed at. You sit up in the futon  and the covers fall down off you. You noticed that and remembered you didn't pull them up last night. Inosuke must have down that for you.

With one hand, Inosuke was poking you in the face and in the other he was clutching his stomach. You were about to ask him what's wrong, but the growl that followed from his stomach was enough to tell you.

"You want food?" You ask, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. He instantly perked up. You threw him your bag and his dove in it to pull out two rice balls. 

He threw one at you and it hit you in the face before he inhaled another rice ball. You picked up the rice ball from your lap and ate it.

You felt dirty in the clothes you had on for the past two days, so you went over to clothes you had folded last night. You walked over to the divider in the room and got dressed. You heard shuffles of Inosuke moving before the slamming of a door.

"Oh no" You quickly slipped your clothes on and ran out the door, grabbing your things as you went.

It didn't take you long to find him in his boar mask. You ran over to him, and grabbed his arm. He turned around and gave a little chuckle when he saw you.

"Why are yo-" You got a whiff of what he smelt like. "Woah, you need a bath"

"A what?" He asked.

"Oh, for the love of god" You pulled him back into the motel and into the room.

You walked him to the bath room and showed him the bath.

"There, now wash your self!" You walked out of the room as he started at the basin.

You packed the rest of your stuff back into your bag and soon heard yelling from the bathroom. Your head perked up. What the hell was he doing? You let out an annoyed grunt before standing up and stomping into the bathroom.

You swung open the door and found Inosuke with the basin tipped over on the ground and Inosuke dripping wet with his mask over in the corner. He looked at you with wide eyes and a pint tint on his face before his lips broke into a grin.

"What the hell are you doing? Your meant to be in the basin, not tip it on yourself." You roll your eyes and grabbed a towel from the corner of the room. "Honestly"

You turned over the basin and made Inosuke sit on it. He was reluctant at first, but did as he was told. You put the towel on his face and stood in front of him. His vibrant green eyes burrowed into yours as you dried his soaking wet hair. You looked into his for a few seconds before feeling a heat go to your cheeks so you looked away.

Inosuke looked to enjoy this as his eyes fluttered shut in a matter of seconds. He was smiling to himself and his pink tinted cheeks got even more pink. You found this cute. From this close to him, you could see every little detail of his face. All the little scars on his face. The shape of his face. He smiled slightly as you dried his hair. Almost as if white spots around him made him happy and giddy.

You smiled to yourself as you ran your fingers through his hair with the towel, drying it for him. When you finished you gave it one more good scrub for good measure. Inosuke opened his eyes and looked at you in confusion.

"Why'd you stop?" He asked.

"Because your hair is dry. If we want to make it to final selection on time we better get a move on" You say, walking out of the bathroom and swinging your bag on your back.

Inosuke followed out after you.

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