Chapter 1

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Side note before you begin the story all of the characters in this book belong to Eiichiro Oda except for my OC'S and this story is taking place after Punk Hazards before Dress-Rosa

⚠️Warning the first bit will be containing abuse if you are sensitive to it pls skip to the end ⚠️


" darkness "

" darkness "

All my life I felt in the dark No one to pull me out .... No one to comfort me .... No one to save me
" you useless good for nothing child "

The gruelling words of my mother says in my head I was 10 years old at the time and accidentally smashed a glass vase while cleaning " I'm .... I'm sorry mommy please forgive me " i said while crying my eyes out she then came over and slapped me hard on the face while glaring at me with her cold eyes " I told you to never ever call me by that name you can't even do one simple job right "

" Madam please it wasn't her fault it was only an accident " one the house keepers said trying to defend me " quiet you or Would you rather be fired and have your family on the streets " she said making the housekeeper go quiet " that's what I thought "

" with the way she acts I'm glad she's not my real daughter " my stepfather Fredrick say i turned to see him and my half sister LuLu who was 5 years old watching the whole thing " yeah I'm so embarrassed calling her my sister " she said while smiling and laughing at me

" I can't wait till your finally able to leave this house for good, you are nothing but a pest to this family and that's all you'll ever be now go to your room " she demanded " ma'am " I said while making my way up the stairs to my room which was the attic I collapsed on my bed crying my eyes " Why .... Why do they treat me this way why can't I have a normal family why can't I be happy is that to much to ask "

 Why do they treat me this way why can't I have a normal family why can't I be happy is that to much to ask "

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" why "

" why "

" WHY !!!!! "

Chapter 1: the broken girl

I woke up in a cold sweat it was just a dream ' dream more like nightmare to me ' I've been having these dreams/nightmares for the past 14 years ever since I ran away from home now I'm 24 and never had a day of regret leaving since.

we'll except leaving behind Ariella one of the housemaids back at my old home she treated me with the love and kindness even my own mother never gave me ' she was like a real mother to me ' i never got a chance to say goodbye to her when I left, all I did was left a note I wish I could have told her I was leaving in person i regret not doing it, I miss her a lot sometimes I wonder how she's doing now is she still working for my ex family or did she finally quit and went pursued her dream job, either way I hope she doing ok and hopefully one day I'll see her again.

The surgeon and the broken Girl ( Law x reader ) Where stories live. Discover now