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"Thank you Mr. Iwatani!" The man bowed as he took the crate of medicines and began making his way towards what I could only assume was either his home or a store of his own. Seeing how late it had become I then began to put away all of my merchandise inside of my wagon. I made enough here, I should start traveling to the next city.

My name is Naofumi Iwatani, and I'm a traveling salesman in this strange world. I was born in Japan just like everyone else and to be honest, I was a bit of an otaku. Then after reading a strange book I was summoned to a different world as the Shield Hero, but I was suddenly brought to this world some time after that. When I got here I had nothing but the armor I'm wearing now, a shield, and a bracelet. I became a traveling merchant a month after my arrival in this world, but as for my time in the world before this one. . .

I can't remember anything. . .  well. . .  besides one thing. My face turned a light red as my thoughts drifted back to that girl. Looking down at the bracelet wrapped around my wrist, it was adorned with various jewels that each seemed to depict a moment I shared with her.  Her name was. . . I grit my teeth as I struggled to remember her. It was like I had every memory of "that" place stolen. But I refuse to forget someone so important to me. The way her tea red eyes shined while her long brown hair that swayed in the wind, and, and. . . damn it all. I felt like if I lost this bracelet. . .

I'd lose her too.

A tear made its way down my face and fell from my chin onto the shield, that was stuck to my body. I despised this thing. It was practically able to defend me from anything and yet it couldn't protect me from this. It didn't let me pick up any kind of weapon with the intent of doing harm! Though, the shield itself wasn't all bad. Alongside its ability to change form the shield allowed me to cast healing magic, something that was lost in this world a long time ago, though I did my best to hide it it, as well as status magic, something this world had never even heard of before. It was a numerical representation of your state of being and it kept track of the shield growth. It was a lot like a video game but. . .

Naofumi Iwatani

Class: Shield Hero LV ???

Equipment: Small Shield (Legendary Weapon), Barbarian Armor+, Special Bracelet?

Skills: Air Strike Shield, Second Shield, Shield Prison, Change Shield, Needle Shield, Dog Bite, Poison Snake Fang (Medium), Soul Eat, Remaining Skills are unavailable

Magic: Water, Fire, Status, Support, Healing

Stats: ???

What was the point of a status menu that couldn't keep track of your status?! And I couldn't even access any of my other skills! I sighed as I held the reigns of the horse pulling my carriage. Though ever since I got the carriage, looking at the horse, I felt as if it shouldn't be there. Perhaps its because of how slow the horse was? I've been saving up for a magic car but-


I was suddenly brought out of my thoughts as I heard the sounds of screaming. Whipping the reigns, I guided the carriage towards the origin of the sound. Arriving at the town's south sark I saw a man with long dark hair and piercing's above his eyes and on his nose.

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