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Third Person POV

Fana and (Y/n)'s attack collided creating a large boom between them.

Noelle stared at (Y/n) with her eyes painted in worries, Noelle knew (Y/n), she knew how (Y/n) fought someone when she has others in her mind. It was too cruel to watch.

The opponent, she's facing happens to be the person who she can unleash her anger on, with Mars taking the first half of her anger, the other half would be towards Fana. But sometimes when she was supposed to feel relieved more of her frustrations are turning into anger.

Although Noelle made sure not to get (Y/n) on the bad side because whenever (Y/n) would get angry, it felt like the ground shakes.

Noelle snapped out of her thoughts when a dagger went towards just beside her, she jumped back away from it and looked where it came from.

Only to see that (Y/n) has been looking at her whilst dodging the fire of the Salamander, Noelle furrowed her eyebrows not until an idea why did (Y/n) sends a dagger to her.

Immediately Noelle shook her head, (Y/n) had continue to stare at her that made Noelle feel uneasy, she didn't want to upset (Y/n) nor disappoint her. This responsibility that (Y/n) had given to her was the one she hated the most.

(Y/n) wanted her to lead the others whilst she was busy, it can be seen through their fight that Fana isn't an easy opponent for Noelle but in (Y/n)'s views, she had every ability to take down Fana in less than a minute but where was the fun if the fight would immediately end? Besides, she had a plan in mind of Fana, she didn't want Mars to see Fana dead now...

The person (Y/n) had trusted to take her position as a temporary leader was Noelle, she wouldn't assign Noelle to take the lead if she knew the plan would fail.

(Y/n)'s complete trust to Noelle is immaculate that no one could ever replace.

I wouldn't get tired to tell you that (Y/n) and Noelle's bond is beyond more than just friends, they found themselves comfort within each other, they were times that they were sisters, or (Y/n) would be the mother to Noelle and vice versa.

Within her // YunoWhere stories live. Discover now