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Necromantia is a dark path for it lays bare all who would seek to practice it.

When you open yourself to death, you are agreeing to face all the things that you run from. No matter how deep you've hidden them. It pulls forward all your fears, your doubts, all the things you are angry about and it flays you open so that there is nothing left but a state of suffering. Nothing left but either to live or die. And that is the point you must decide whether or not you can accept and face all those things about yourself that you loathe and are ashamed of.

Remember that when you choose Necromantia, you cannot reverse time and you cannot choose where death takes you. You have no choice but to go where it wants you and that path is never where you want to go. Remember that... for when you find yourself wondering where you are and what you're doing, you will not be lost. Subject yourself to its desire and it will illuminate the nature of all shadows, no matter how all-consuming those shadows might be.

You must know that real Necromantia does not raise an army of the dead, it does not require blood, a galleon of sacrifices, or vessels for demons to possess. It is a sweet, deep Womb in the Valley of the Veil that sweeps you toward the deep, infected woundedness of the world so that you too can rip its heart out and lay it bare for all to see...

Even at the cost of your own suffering. 

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