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Jungkook runs the wet sponge down my back and the water sloshes around me.

He had a tub with steaming water brought into our tent for a bath for me. It has been three weeks since the attack and we have set up a temporary encampment.

The arrow wound I sustained during the ambush has healed nicely, thanks to jin hyung's quick work. The skin has calloused and is a faint pink color.

Jungkook carefully piled my hair into a makeshift bundle on the top of my head so it wouldn't get wet. Those first three nights after the almost rape, I would wake up in a cold sweat.

Jungkook held me and rubbed my back as I cried, before finally going back to sleep. He hasn't left my side since. He pampers me day and night. Tonight he washes me with gentle brushes of the sponge. He crushed scented berries to mix into the steaming water and I feel at peace. I absently rub my swollen stomach and hum.

"What is that you hum moon of my life?" I smile shyly at him and pat my stomach.

"I want our baby to hear sweet sounds." Jungkook smiles at me and brushes a tender kiss to my mouth. He resumes washing me and I hunker down in the steaming water.

A few loose tendrils of hair stick to my slick shoulders. I close my eyes and take a deep relaxing breath.

"I'm sorry." I open my eyes and swirl my fingers in the misty water. I feel no anger towards jungkook for anything that happened to me. I'm just so thankful he arrived in time to save me from being raped. Jungkook sits beside me and takes my hand.

"I should have protected you better. You and our son." He strokes my stomach and his eyes fill with tears. I squeeze his hand.

"I could have lost you." His voice cracks and my heart squeezes painfully in my chest. "You are the moon of my life. Without you I am nothing." This is the most jungkook has ever opened up to me. I remain silent and watch him.

"I would destroy any Rival, ride any beast to keep you by my side. I would even cross the poison water if I knew you waited on the other side for me." Tears fill my eyes and I blink to try to keep them at bay. Jungkook continues to look at our hands.

"I swear under the stars that I will never fail you or our son again." My love looks up at the night sky and tears stream down his face. I cup his face in his hands and turn him to look at me. I lean up out of the water and kiss him. I can taste the salt from the tears on my lips, whether they are his or mine I am uncertain.

"You never failed me my sun and stars. I love you and I would not wish for anything else in this world." I point up to the stars. "I swear this under the stars that I, Jeon taehyung will always love you, jungkook." I wrap my arms around his neck and press my lips firmly to his. He kisses me back with a fiery passion to rival the hottest flame. He pulls me from the water and carries me to our furs.

"I love you." I press a kiss to his chest, where his heart beats. Jungkook kisses me before leaning down to place his forehead against my stomach. He places a gentle kiss to the swell and rubs it lovingly.

"I love you moon of my life. You and our son." Tears once again stream down my cheeks. Never have I felt so loved than in this perfect moment. Our little one decides at that moment to kick his father's hand. Jungkook looks up in surprise and then smiles at me. I laugh and run my hand through his loose hair. Jungkook begins to hum a song to our baby and I close my eyes, enjoying the peace and love of this moment. Tomorrow we leave to continue on our trek to the TOMB. My heart no longer holds the weight of uncertainty, for I know without a doubt jungkook will love our child no matter what.

How's is the chapter? Hope you guys liked it.

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