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My mouth opens and closes so many times I fear my jaw will fall off. I look over at Jungkook as he questions Lord emo and I snap my mouth shut when they turn their attention to me. I clear my throat and twist my fingers together, trying to gather my thoughts. I hear a faint wail and look over to see Jimin exiting my tent, Jaehyun slung over his thin hip and yoongi following closely behind. Lord emo trails off and we watch silently as they trek across the grounds to where we are stationed. Jaehyun pulls on a piece of jimin's hair, his face scrunched up. He spots me and immediately starts to wiggle, his small arms outstretched.

"Mama." jaehyun strains against jimin and I smile softly at my sweet boy. jimin hands him to me and he snuggles close to my chest. jimin bows and hurries back to Yoongi. He wraps him in his arms and kisses his hair.

"What will you do Queen?" My lips turn down into a frown as I consider his question. Jimin is finally settled in, happy in perhaps the first time ever. I wonder if it is right for me to disrupt the new life he has here with yoongi but then I remember the haunted look in his eyes when he told me of the babe he lost. The raw grief and pain as he wept in my arms. I look at Lord emo and he studies me with dark eyes.

"You care for the child yes?" As much as jimin deserves to know, the question also arises about Sasha.

"I do. I have raised him like my own." Affection rings true through his words. I watch as yoongi brushes jimin's hair and places a kiss to his lips. I look at Jungkook and his eyes are conflicted. Although the thought of not telling Jimin about sasha twists uneasily in my stomach I have to wonder is it for the best?

"Why tell me this Lord emo?" He sits back in his chair and looks at the wall thoughtfully.

"Because I love the girl. Even if it would rip me apart to lose her I want what is best for her." I look at jimin again and my heart is so unsure.

"I need time to come to a decision about what must be done. For the time being stay here, let us serve." I look at jungkook and he nods his agreement. Lord emo stands and grips jungkook's arm.

"Thank you my friends." Friends. I smile at the thought.


Jaehyun snores softly against my naked breast, milk dribbling from the corner of his mouth. I sit in our furs wearing nothing but my thin night sheath. 

jungkook putters around the tent,  little sphinx sleeping soundly in their cage. I brush a stray hair from jaehyun's face and lightly kiss his soft cheek. A moment later jungkook is at my side, his arms outstretched. I gently hand over our sleeping babe and watch as jungkook tucks him into his furs. I pat the spot in front of me and jungkook settles in. I massage his hair. 

"That feels wonderful ." Jungkook practically purrs in pleasure and I giggle quietly. The light from the lamp forms a light shadow.

"Have you thought on what will be done with the girl?" I massage my thin fingers across his scalp and he hums softly in appreciation.

"I haven't. I need more time and of course your counsel." I kiss his bare shoulder and he shudders softly.

"Whatever you decide, I stand behind you ." I smile and tease my lips across his back.

"I know you do . I am forever grateful to have a you as my lord." I flick my tongue up his throat and he groans. I move my hands from his hair and brush my palms across his broad shoulders. Gods what these shoulders do to me.

"You tease me ." I can't resist tasting his skin again. I lick a straight line up his throat and sink my teeth in. He jerks around in my arms and grips my sheath in his large hands. He tears the fabric from my body and I gasp. I only have a moment to marvel at my half naked husband before he is on me. Jungkook grips my hair and ravages my mouth. His tongue slicks past my lips and plunges deep. His taste explodes on my tongue and I moan deep in my throat. My body is on fire and I arch my back to meet his wondering hands.

"You should know better than to tease the beast ." Jungkook's warm breath ghosts across my moist lips and I shudder softly. I spread my legs wide to accommodate him and lick my lips. Jungkook brushes his calloused hands over my legs and I can't help the breathless sound that escapes. He pulls my foot up to rest on his shoulder and bends down to place feather light kisses to my skin. He touches a ticklish spot and I jerk my leg and giggle. He grins at me, his teeth a stark white against his tanned face.

"Ticklish my moon?" He places more kisses to my sensitive skin. I arch under his touch and my body trembles with pleasure. He glides up my body, his hands and lips kissing my feverish skin. A thin layer of sweat shines from my pale skin and I grip his biceps.

"Take me my love." He snarls and plunges deep inside me. The air in my lungs fades and I gasp. I pull my legs up to wrap around his waist but instead of taking me roughly and hard like I have become accustomed, he slowly thrusts in and out, almost gently. He tangles his hand in my hair and tugs slightly. I open my eyes to see him gazing down at me, intense love and devotion shinning in his dark eyes. He cups my breast softly in his large hand and slowly brushes his thumb over my sensitive peak. Despite the tender way he takes me, the motion and dept of his possession makes my toes curl. He hits the spot deep inside me and I throw my head back and moan out my pleasure.

"I love you my  beloved." Jungkook rasps the sweet words in my ear and I wrap myself tighter against him. I buck my hips up to meet his and he grunts, placing heated kisses to my aching breasts. I close my eyes and bury my nose in his sweat slicked throat, breathing in his scent. The air whooshes around me and I find myself astride , his hands cupping my breasts and his hips thrusting off the furs. I throw my head back and rotate my hips, meeting his steady rhythm. Between the fingers plucking and twisting my nipples and jungkook's hard body beneath mine, my release flashes through me violently. I come with a gasp and my body shakes and trembles and I fall into jungkook's arms. He grips me tightly and thrusts faster inside me. I feel his release, scorching and wonderful inside me. He growls quietly and hugs me tighter to him. We lay in a sweaty, tangled mess in the furs. His runs his hands up and down my sticky back and I place a kiss to his heart.


After a sensual sponge bath, we lay in the furs again. Jungkook lies on his back and I'm curled up into his side and his heavy arm is draped over my bare shoulder, playing with strands of my hair. I draw lazy shapes on his chest with my finger and Jaehyun and sera sleep peacefully in their beds.

"I have decided." Jungkook continues to twirl my hair through his fingers and waits for me to continue.

"I have to tell Jimin. I do not know what will happen after but I can't keep this a secret from him." Jungkook grunts and I lean up to look at him. His face is blank and he stares off into the shadows as he thinks.

"I agree. I support your decision." I smile brightly at him and he grins at me. I lean up and kiss his sweet mouth and he chuckles against my lips. I push closer, deepening the kiss and he groans softly. Without breaking our connection, he rolls me to my back and pushes my legs apart. Our tongues battle for dominance and I pull away to catch my breath.

"I love you my lord." Jungkook grips the back of my neck and crushes his mouth to mine. I gasp when he snaps his hips forward, embedding himself deep. Pleasure overcomes me and I close my eyes.

Jungkook makes love to me three more times that night. All worries over Jimin and sasha fade from my mind until only my lord remains.


Hello guys<3 ..Hope you all loved it. Do comment, vote and share..atleast i deserve that much. i love you all<3

Any thoughts?

Thanking you:


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