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I settle into the chair in the warehouse meeting room, my hand unconsciously resting on my slightly swollen belly. At fifteen weeks pregnant, the changes in my body are subtle - noticeable to me but not yet obvious to others. I push thoughts of the baby aside, focusing on the task at hand.

"Tell me, Fred, how are we doing?" I ask the man Santiago hired to help me ruin Ivan.

"We have destroyed a good number of his restaurants here in the US. The Costanzo family is also doing an excellent job with his businesses in Europe. Good is what I would say, Ma'am."

"That's good to hear. Has he visited any of the places we've destroyed?"

"No, he hasn't."

"None?" I ask, a little shocked.

"Yes, none."

"That is odd. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before he comes out of his hiding place."

"I believe so, too."

"Hopefully soon. We can end here for today. Thank you."

"You are welcome, Ma'am," he says, leaving the meeting room.

I follow him once I gather my things, my mind racing with the implications of Ivan's silence. The cool air of the warehouse hits my face, a stark contrast to the stuffy meeting room. I expect to find Emily waiting so we can return to the office, but the hallway is empty. A flicker of concern ignites in my chest.

My heels echo on the concrete floor as I make my way through the labyrinth of the warehouse. Workers nod respectfully as I pass, their eyes carefully avoiding mine.

On a hunch, I decide to check Santiago's office. It's unlikely Emily would be there, but I need to be thorough. As I navigate the familiar path, my mind races with possibilities. Where could she have gone? Why didn't she wait?

I round the corner to Santiago's office, my heart rate picking up with each step. The door comes into view, and I freeze. What I see happening outside the door stops me in my tracks. My eyes widen, and then, unexpectedly, a smile graces my face.

Santiago and Emily stand close, bodies intertwined, as they share a passionate kiss. My heart swells with happiness seeing them reconciled at last. I always believed Emily knew, deep in her soul, the depths of Santiago's love for her. She just needed a gentle push, a reminder that forgiveness was possible. I'm overjoyed my words helped guide her back to him.

"I love you," Santiago murmurs breathlessly against her forehead, voice thick with emotion.

"I love you too," Emily echoes, an identical look of pure adoration shining in her eyes as she catches her breath.

"I'm so happy you two finally made up," I say warmly, taking a step closer. Startled, they turn to face me, Emily's cheeks flushed with the glow of a woman in love and perhaps a hint of embarrassment at being caught in such an intimate moment.

"Boss, you're done early," she stammers, smoothing her hair self-consciously.

"I am. But why didn't you tell me the good news?" I ask, trying to mask the small sting of hurt at being left out of the loop.

Santiago laces his fingers through Emily's, a perfect fit. "We weren't sure when the right time would be, with everything else going on."

It dawns on me then that their reconciliation likely happened around the time I lost Stefano, the love of my life extinguished far too soon. They must have worried the news of their joy would only compound my grief.

"I understand," I assure them, blinking back the sudden sting of tears, both happy and sad. "I'm truly happy for you both."

Emily's smile is radiant, her eyes shining with gratitude and relief. In this moment, despite the weight of my own loss and the secrets I carry, my heart feels a little lighter, seeing the two people I care for most find their way back to each other. Love, in all its forms, has a way of healing even the deepest wounds.


The car glides smoothly through the bustling city streets, the tinted windows offering a welcome respite from the curious eyes of passersby. Emily and I sit in the back, a comfortable silence stretching between us as my bodyguard and driver occupy the front seats, ever vigilant. The need for their constant presence weighs heavily on my mind, a grim reminder of the escalating conflict with Ivan and the lengths I must go to protect both my unborn child and myself.

Emily's voice breaks through my thoughts, tentative yet determined. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Santiago and me sooner. When we reconciled, it just didn't feel like the right time to share such happy news, given everything you were going through."

I reach over and give her hand a reassuring squeeze. "I completely understand, Emily. You don't need to explain yourself again."

She nods, a flicker of relief crossing her face before she leans in closer, her following words barely above a whisper. "There's something else I wanted to tell you, though. I know about your family's real business."

My heart skips a beat, but I force my expression to remain neutral. "What are you talking about?" I ask, feigning ignorance.

"Santiago told me everything," she insists, her eyes searching mine for a reaction.

"Everything? And what exactly is 'everything'?" I press, still maintaining the charade.

Emily glances furtively at the front seat before leaning in even closer, her breath warm against my ear. "I know about the mafia business," she murmurs, the words hanging heavily in the air between us.

I hold up a finger, signaling for her to wait as I pull out my phone and dial Santiago's number. As much as I trust Emily, a lifetime of caution is not easily discarded. The line clicks, and my brother's voice fills my ear. "Hi, Sis. Did you forget something?"

"Le dijiste a Emily sobre nuestro negocio familiar?" Did you tell Emily about our family's business? I ask, slipping into Spanish to maintain some privacy.

"Lo hice, hay algún problema con eso?" I did, is there a problem with that?

"No hay problema, solo quería asegurarme de que ella obtuviera la información de usted," There is no problem; I just wanted to make sure she got the information from you. "Adios," I echo before ending the call and turning back to Emily, who watches me with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.

"What was that all about?" she asks.

"Just making sure you got the information from the right source," I explain gently. "I know it might seem like I don't trust you, but given the nature of my family's business, trust is not something we offer lightly."

Emily nods, understanding dawning in her eyes. "I get it, really."

I reach over and clasp her hand once more, a genuine smile spreading across my face. "Thank you for understanding. And welcome to the family, Emily."

She laughs softly, shaking her head. "Why are you welcoming me? I'm not married to your brother."

"Not yet," I agree, my smile widening into a grin. "But you will be soon." For Santiago to share our family's secrets with her means, he sees a future with her by his side.

The Don and His Mafia Princess: Book Two of The Costanzo Series - StandaloneWhere stories live. Discover now