Hidden Truths

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Madeline's Pov

Sitting in a room full of gorgeous vampires staring at you is nerve wracking. I noticed everyone was here except for Bella, Edward, and Alice. Esme did inform me that they are expected to land in Seattle in the morning.

"So vampires?" I let out. I am not quite sure on how to go about this conversation considering I never had a conversation like this before.

Part of me feels hurt. Especially when it came to Rosalie and Emmett. I thought we were good friends. I know it was such a big secret but the fact that Bella knew and no one thought to tell me hurt.

"We meant to tell you Madi. I wanted to tell you so bad." Rosalie spoke up. She took a tentative step towards me.

Rosalie was absolutely gorgeous. And even with a worried expression placed on her face she still maintained her beauty. I couldn't help but wonder if she was always this gorgeous. Maybe she was this pretty even when she was a human.

" It's whatever." I mumbled. What else could I say? I want to say so much but I don't want to come off as childish.

I look at Rosalie's face as she opened her mouth getting ready to say more. She stopped and sinply shook her head and sighed. I keep telling myself that it's okay. I feel a bit of anger as I look around the room at them all. Trying to look at this logically I guess I can understand why they did what they did.

"We didn't want you to know because of our kind's laws." Carlisle said to me with a gentle fatherly tone. He was gripping Esme's shoulder gently.

"The only reason why Bella knew is because she figured it out," he continued.

I sigh as i look down at my shoes. I felt like I was caught completely unaware. I knew there was some things off with them but I just wanted to live by my one of many mottos in life.

"mind my own business,"

Even now I'm feeling butt hurt despite it all.

" I understand why you did it,.. I guess. I'm just slightly hurt is all." I might as well be open with them about it.

"I would've kept your secret," I finished in a mumble as I look up at Carlise.

"I know you would have. We just didn't want to burden you. There aren't many choices and we didn't want to force you become a vampire," Rosalie spoke up speeding to me and grabbing my hand.

I slightly jolted in surprised at her seemingly sudden appearance. As I looked into her eyes I could tell she was anxious and scared.

" I didn't want to get to close to you because I wanted you to have a life. I wanted you to get to experience everything your human life can offer. If you were to know our secret you would have to become one." Rosalie finished grabbing my hands slightly tighter.

I knew that what the Cullens did was for my benefit. It was a risk for them to take but, now that I think about it. I think I would want to be a human. I know that option may be out the window now but, hopefully I'll have a couple years left.

I turned my head looking at everyone's tense looks they held on their faces and realize they truly did care. More than I thought. I felt a little bad because part of me didn't think we were that close.

"No more hiding from me?" I meant to make it into a statement but I knew I was nervous still about this topic. Thus it came out as a squeaked question.

"No from now on, we will be 100% truthful." Rosalie spoke in a hopeful tone.

"Okay let's start over then," I say with a wide smile.

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