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I've been noticing a spike in paranormal activity, I have a bathroom connected to my room and the lights kept flickering on and off when I was trying to sleep. :/

Then when I was driving home from class earlier I was playing music through a USB on Spotify. Suddenly, the music changed to a completely different song. I pulled over to fix it and my phone would play the song I wanted to listen to then be like NO WERE LISTENING TO THIS SONG NOW!!

I wasn't gonna let my phone win so I switched to a CD instead.

I got home and played on my Xbox theres metal containers next to me and it sounded like something hit them. I'm the only one here.

And just now I heard creaking coming from the attic. Great!
I don't know what triggered this random paranormal activity??? What do you think??
I don't know how to get to the attic so I can't investigate either. Also that's literally Horror movie 101: DON'T INVESTIGATE NOISES

But uh...What do you guys think? What should I do?

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