No Time Left

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The busy corridors of the hospital boomed with voices of nurses and worried families, waiting to be updated on their loved one's condition. In the air clung that annoying hospital smell, the one the woman by the window could not bear. It suffocated her more than the multiple packages of cigarettes she emptied on the daily.

Haseul blew out the last puff of smoke out of the window and put her cigarette out, returning to join her partner, who stood outside a hospital room. Vivi was quiet, with a worried smile tugging on her lips and a basket full of nutritious food she herself had cooked in a hurry the night before.

"I don't think she's allowed to eat all that, honey." Haseul mumbled, tiredly placing a kiss on her partner's forehead. "She almost died of poisoning."

The pair was waiting outside of Son Hyejoo's room, as the doctor and a nurse took a final look at her before leaving her to rest for the next few hours. It has been around twenty-four hours since the woman had been rushed to the Emergency Room and thankfully, the doctors were able to save her life.

"You may enter now, chief." spoke the doctor in a rushed tone, before bowing and checking his notepad. With a nod of his head, he and the nurse walked down the hallway and to another room.

Upon entering Hyejoo's room, Haseul and Vivi were met with silence. Hyejoo was sitting on the bed, with a blank expression on her face, as the IV slowly dripped into her bloodstream. She was pale, but in much better condition than twenty-four hours ago. Haseul could tell that everything that had happened before her eyes, took a great toll on her.

"We brought you some food, Son." spoke the chief and urged Vivi to place the food on the table beside Hyejoo. Said woman did not reply nor showed any acknowledgement towards the two figures. "I know you probably can't eat it right now, but Vivi made it for you."

Hyejoo's eyes moved from the window to pierce through Vivi's. It was probably her way of thanking the older. Vivi smiled in return, nodding towards the door, as if letting Haseul know that she would be waiting for her outside. The woman was not one to intervene with Haseul's work affairs.

"I just wanted to thank you for your bravery and information," the brunette spoke, fidgeting with her lighter. "And apologize for... not protecting both you and Jeon properly."

Once Heejin's body was recovered, Hyejoo was sent to the hospital, where the doctors fought the poisoning. When awoken for the first time after an intense procedure, Hyejoo gave every information she had on the red-headed maniac that had attempted to kill her and shot Heejin. She talked about how they went back to the old days, how Kim Jiwoo — the red-headed maniac — grew up in the same orphanage as Sooyoung and had always had a weird obsession with her. Hyejoo described how uncomfortable Jiwoo made Sooyoung feel and how they would often avoid talking to her, mostly because they liked each other's company better and did not need a third person to come between them. Lastly, she admitted to not liking Jiwoo, because of how obsessed she seemed, and noted that they had not met in years, up until she called her from Sooyoung's phone pretending to be her and arranged a meeting. Hyejoo was confident that Jiwoo was behind Sooyoung's disappearance, and hoped that with all the information she had given Haseul, they would be able to find her as fast as possible.

"We're looking into Kim Jiwoo. I'm sure we'll have her location before the sun comes down." Haseul explained. "I'm quite confident she, too, knows we're coming for her. She won't flee. It seems that all she wanted was—"

"To lead Sooyoung to her." Hyejoo interrupted in a raspy voice, still not looking into the chief's eyes.

"Exactly." the chief was happy to figure Hyejoo was following everything she said. "Only someone like Kim Jiwoo, who was desperate to get Ha into her arms, would plan the killing of so many innocent people so well, while framing her best friend and pushing her out of the picture. She was also remarkably skilled at it; all crime scenes were impeccably clean, there was no evidence of her presence nor trace of any human DNA other than the victim's. I wonder if the hair we found in the last crime scene was left on purpose or by accident."

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